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View Class

To view the class in Nurtem, click on the “My Classes” option in the left side menu, you will be able to see a list of all the classes you have added. To view detailed information about a particular class, you can click on the “Full Details” button corresponding to that class. This will open a page where you can see all the information related to that class and many features are also available.

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Full details of the particular class as been shown below. Tutor can also view, share, delete and edit the class.

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1. In the Students section, tutors can view the list of students enrolled in their classes and track their attendance.

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2. Enroll a Student – Tutors can enroll a single user, a child user, and multiple users they can download Excel sheets and fill in all the details and upload them.

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3. Notes & Assignment – The tutor can add notes to students for their class.

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4. Pay Tuition – 

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5. Course Material – Tutor can provide the course link to the students.

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6. Test / Exam – Tutor can provide the Test / Exam details link to the students.

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7. Milestone – The tutor can add Milestones to the classes.

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8. FAQ & Prerequisite – Add a Questions & Answers for FAQ to students.

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