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Reset Password

A useful feature for both students and tutors to manage their accounts and account security.

Here’s a summary of how the settings feature works on Nurtem:

  • For both students and tutors, the settings menu is located on the left-side menu. From there, they can access options to manage their account information and security.
  • One option within the settings menu is the ability to reset their password. This can be useful in the event that they forget their current password or want to change it for security reasons.
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  • One option within the settings menu is the ability to reset their password. Click the Press here button, and it will pop up click send mail to get mail to our mail-id. This can be useful in the event that they forget their current password or want to change it for security reasons.
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  • Another option within the settings menu is the ability to delete their account from Nurtem. This can be useful if they no longer want to use the platform or need to take a break from it for any reason.

By providing these options, Nurtem is giving users control over their accounts and ensuring that their information and security are well-managed. This can help create a more positive experience for students and tutors who use the platform.