Tutor Testimonials

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“Highly recommend Nurtem. It was so easy to sign up and create my profile. The Nurtem team helped me throughout and connected me with students. Scheduling classes, reschedules, cancellations was a piece of cake. I never have to deal with finding students, collecting fees, tracking students availability, arranging make up class etc, I just focussed on taking class. The team is great to work with and extremely responsive as well”

“Teaching Math classes via Nurtem is fun. They connected me with students, help schedule and reschedule the classes and reduced my work load a lot. All I have to do is login and teach. The team is available all the time to help with any problems or questions, I might have”

“Nurtem team is great to work with. They stay connected with me and the students, to make sure we have good experience offering classes via Nurtem. They track milestones and student progress which helps both teachers and students to get better with every class “

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