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Payment Report – Tutor

To view the payment report in Nurtem, follow these steps:

  • From the left side menu, click on “Payment Report”. This will take you to a page that lists all the payment reports for the classes that you have created.
  • On the payment report page, you will see a list of all the payments. Each payment report includes information such as the date of the transaction, the name of the student, the amount paid, and the payment method.
Screenshot 235

Tutors can use various filters to view the payment report that they want. Here are some of the filters that you can use:


  • Filter by Tutor Name: You can filter the payment report by selecting your name from the “Tutor” dropdown menu. This will show you all the payment reports for the classes that you have taught.
  • Filter by Class Name: You can filter the payment report by selecting the class name from the “Class” dropdown menu. This will show you all the payment reports for the selected class.
  • Filter by Date: You can filter the payment report by selecting a date range from the “From” and “To” fields. This will show you all the payment reports that fall within the selected date range.
  • Filter by Student Name: You can filter the payment report by typing the name of the student in the “Student Name” field. This will show you all the payment reports for the selected student.
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By using these filters, you can easily view the payment report in Nurtem. This will help you to keep track of payments and ensure that you are receiving payment for the classes that you have taught.

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