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organic chemistry tutor
Organic Chemistry

The study of the behaviour of carbon based compounds is what we call Organic chemistry. Some organic compounds are Methane, glucose and amino acids. 

There are about 9 million organic compounds to exist! Carbon has two important characteristics which enable it to form so many compounds with other elements, which is- Tetravalency and catenation. Tetravalency- carbon has only four electrons it its outer shell and therefore it can bond with four other atoms to form compounds. And catenation- which enable carbon to form long chains with itself. 

In almost all cases carbon is bonded with hydrogen. But it also bonds with elements like oxygen, phosphorous and nitrogen. Also, few carbon compounds are not considered to be organic compounds like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and cyanides.

Carbon compounds form many alcohols and carboxylic acids
. Ethanol (alcohol) is used widely in the field of medicine and in the fuel industry. Organic compounds are also used as soaps, detergents, bleaching agents, plastics, dyes, and more.

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Why Nurtem?

  • It’s flexible.It offers a wide selection of programs.
  • It’s accessible.
  • It allows for a customized learning experience.
  • It’s more cost-effective than traditional education.
How does Organic Chemistry tutor help students in their academics?

When compared to others, some children may struggle to learn Organic Chemistry. If your child is struggling, you may need some extra help in Organic Chemistry to help them develop their learning skills. So, consider tutoring your child.

However, before hiring an Organic Chemistry tutor for your child, know-how tutoring can help your child’s academics.

  • Adapt to your child’s learning style: Each child has a unique learning style. Teachers will not adapt the lesson to everyone’s learning style in school. On the other hand, online tutoring can adapt to each child’s learning style, allowing them to explore more.
  • Test Preparation: Is your child concerned about taking tests or exams? If so, tutoring can help them improve their learning skills and thus perform better in exams.
  • Increase Your Self-Belief: Tutoring allows your child to form personal relationships with tutors. This instils confidence in children and aids in the development of their academic potential.
Expert Organic Chemistry tutor are waiting to connect with you.
  • Professors that specialize in one-on-one ESL writing education
  • They use cutting-edge technology to aid in the development of innovative teaching methods. 
  • Tutors provide cutting-edge technology to assist them in demonstrating, explaining, discussing, and putting ideas together.
  • In the classroom, assessments and evaluations are used to assist students in learning.
  • Several internet programs can assist you in planning your day.
  • There is on-the-spot homework assistance accessible.
How do you pick a Organic Chemistry tutor?

“It’s difficult to find great instructors.”

The services of online professional tutors might benefit children who require a stress-free learning environment. It takes time to choose a good tutor, especially when there are so many possibilities. However, keep the following points in mind while selecting a tutor to make your task easier.


It’s impossible to exaggerate the importance of experience while seeking a tutor. When picking a tutor, think about their experience and history in terms of years of teaching. To ensure that learning does not cease, an experienced tutor will assist with assignments at all hours of the day and night.


Your coach should be able to provide step-by-step assistance to help you improve your performance.

Hot topics to cover up on - through Nurtem coaching?

Organic Chemistry at Nurtem offers a wide range of lessons and topics for learners of all ages and levels. The courses offered are basics and also advanced levels in Organic Chemistry. Our Nurtem faculty help students learn and practice the concepts by helping them with notes and assignments. We help students pursue their Chemistry learning for their further studies and career. Let us find out the content offered in Organic Chemistry:

  • Basic in Organic Chemistry
  • Chemical synthesis
  • Structures of molecules and other organic compounds
  • Bond theory
  • resonance
  • Stereochemistry
  • Acid-base Chemistry
Why learn Organic Chemistry with Nurtem?

Nurtem is a new online learning platform that offers high-quality educational services. We have trained online educators to teach children and adults both academic and non-academic subjects.

Nurtem guides people who are experiencing problems in school by providing situational support and leveraging learning. Classes in which learning and challenges are enjoyable.

Each student is provided with one-of-a-kind learning experiences, such as undivided attention and access to a knowledgeable team. They also offer specialized educational support from comfort and privacy.

A free trial session is made available. We have full-fledged classes. After the course, we provide a certificate of completion. If you want your child to excel in school, Nurtem is the best option.

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How chemistry is used in everyday life?

It is used in alcohols and carboxylic acids. Ethanol (alcohol) is used widely in the field of medicine and in the fuel industry. Organic compounds are also used as soaps, detergents, bleaching agents, plastics, dyes, and more.

How to understand organic chemistry?

Study from a single book, study general organic chemistry first, solve problems patiently, revise theory regularly and lastly learn the names of the compounds.

Where to learn organic chemistry?

Nurtem, a leading educational platform offers the best organic chemistry courses online. A dedicated team which focuses on all your requirements from flexibility, fee-structure and academic performance.

Why organic chemistry is important?

Because it is the study of life and helps us understand the chemical reactions that occur on a day to day basis.

What organic chemistry is all about?

The study of the behaviour of carbon based compounds is what we call Organic chemistry. Some organic compounds are Methane, glucose and amino acids.

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