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Are you looking for a sport that relaxes your mind? Swimming is one of the most popular sports activities that relaxes you. It is a fun and a bit serious sport to learn. Do you know what swimming exactly is?

Swimming is an individual or group racing sports activity in which a person should use your entire body movement in the water. It takes place in open water like a lake or sea or pool. In the Olympics, swimming is one of the competitive sports. 

There are some simple procedures or rules for swimming: before you get into the water, you need to soak your feet to get rid of germs and bacteria. Also, you should avoid moving to the edges of the pool. Besides these, learning swimming will benefit you with the relaxation to your mind and muscles in your body. 

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Why Nurtem?

  • It’s flexible.It offers a wide selection of programs.
  • It’s accessible.
  • It allows for a customized learning experience.
  • It’s more cost-effective than traditional education.
How does tutoring swimming help?

Every kid loves to play in the water. But, only a few kids know how to swim in water. So, if you love to learn swimming, hire a swimming tutor. Because:

  • Water Safety: the initial step that swims tutoring offers is water safety practice. This will help the kids to be safer in and around the water. 
  • Physical activity: tutoring swimming helps kids improve physical strength, flexibility, balance, and much more. 
  • Reduce stress and anxiety: with an online swimming class, you can learn how to swim with all safety precautions. This results in reducing your stress, anxiety and leads you as a great swimmer.
Expert Swim Tutors will connect with your kids

Expert tutors are:

  • Certified and expertized to teach swimming.
  • Promotes Personality Development in kids.
  • Analyse your ability and skill level and focus on improving speed and style with a few techniques.
  • Improves confidence in kids to swim on their own.
  • Teach perfect skills like kicks, flips, body rolls, breath control, and floating.
How to pick the right swimming tutor?


The first aspect that you should keep your eye on is whether the tutor is certified or not. Certified tutors are safe to go with. Hence, make sure of it.


It is essential to know that the instructor has formal tutoring experience. Many tutors advertise that they have many years of experience as swimmers. But, it doesn’t mean they are experienced. Hence, you should verify your tutor before hiring.

Hot topics to cover up on - through Nurtem coaching?

Swimming is one of the essential life skills for both safety and fitness. Learning to swim safely requires a few techniques and strategies. So, before you dive into your swimming class, here are the course syllabus that teaches you swimming tactics:

  • Basic introduction
  • Breath control
  • Floating techniques
  • Body movement in the water
  • Kicking to move forward
  • Stroke improvement
Why learn Swimming with Nurtem?

Tired of searching for your swim tutor? Wondering where to begin your swimming class? Then, Nurtem is here for you.

Nurtem is one of the best platforms to connect with your required tutors to excel your knowledge. When it comes to learning how to swim, our tutoring faculties will serve you with it. We’ve flexible tutors who are experienced in handling kids to swim better. 

We provide customized swim plans to the students and instruct them in an approachable way. So, why are you still waiting? Grab your course at Nurtem!


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Where to go swimming class online ?

In the online world, there are various swimming classes available. Nurtem is one of those learning platforms where you can learn swimming with certified tutors. Take classes at nurtem and become a fantastic swimmer.

How much swimming to lose weight ?

Start swimming for 15 to 20 minutes every day and gradually increase to 30 minutes five days a week. This will help you to lose weight.

Which swimming stroke burns the most calories ?

The butterfly stroke is the most demanding swimming stroke that burns calories for those looking to lose calories. The second would be the “Breaststroke.”

Why swimming is good for you ?
  • It keeps heart rate a bit up and takes some impact to reduce stress
  • It helps to maintain a healthy heart, lungs, and weight.
  • Build muscle strength
How swimming changes your body ?

The more you swim, the more your body changes. For example, when you do the backstroke, your back muscles work. Regular swimming also works for your body. Hence, no other exercise is required.

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