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We at Nurtem are committed to giving you the best French Learning experience. We offer you a free one-class trial to get a feel if that works for you.

If you are interested in learning French or willing to introduce it to your kid, why not get started today. It is never too late to learn the language of Romance. Start learning French as fast as possible and have a great time learning it!

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French Overview

Are you thinking of learning a new language but not sure where to begin?

 Bilingualism is an art that opens up your mind and enriches you. 

Speaking a foreign language will open new doors and lead the way to great experiences. It also can be a bit overwhelming. Whether it’s for your work, travel, or education, you will experience many benefits. Learning new languages and mastering them is the right choice to make. 

French is the second most widely taught language. It is the most popular language in the whole of Europe. It happens to be the official language of 29 countries. While more than 200 million people speak the language all over the world. It is Canada’s official language, where around 10 million Canadians speak french. 

Let’s look at some of the reasons why you should learn French.

What's the best way to learn and improve French?

So you want to speak French the best way?

Tres Bien!! 

Millions of people learn french every day, and many have fallen in love with this language. So believe me, you are in Great Company! 

French is an easy language to speak. You can speak french faster than you think. Speak from day one method is the best learning method. The key is to surround yourself with the language as much as possible. Some aspects of the language can be difficult to learn. But for the most part, it is an easy language to learn for kids and adults alike. 

Try these steps, and you will be speaking French fluently even before you know it! 

  • Learn French with Audio (Podcasts, listen to Music, songs)
  • Read French Literary classics (Victor Hugo, Emile Zola, Gustave Flaubert)
  • Connect new words to Images to visualize
  • Incorporate new french words into your daily life
  • Surround yourself with French-speaking locality
  • To dive into the French Culture
What are the basics of learning French?

If you have just started learning, you are probably in for a treat. The French language is easy and a pleasure to learn. 

When you start to learn basic words and common phrases, you will be pleasantly surprised to know how easy it is. It may seem a bit intimidating at first, like how usually every new language gets. But with time, you will become more confident with the words. 

As you start your journey to embrace the language and become a true Francophile, keep in mind the basics words, common phrases, and grammar to improve.

 Let us start with the basics words and common phrases:

  • Bonjour = Hello, Good morning
  • Au revoir = Goodbye
  • Merci beaucoup = thank you so much
  • De rien = you are welcome.
  • Monsieur = Mister, gentleman
  • Mademoiselle = Miss, unmarried woman
  • Madame = married woman, older woman
  • Je suis désolé(e)= I’m sorry
  • Je m’appelle= My name is
  • enchante= nice to meet you
  • Pouvez-vous m’aider?= Can you help me?
  • Combien ça coûte?= How much is this?
What are the benefits of Learning French?

Want to learn French, but not yet sure of the benefits?  

French is the sixth most widely spoken language overall. As of 2012, there are over 285M people who can speak the French language.

Beyond the obvious reason that it is the sexiest language alive. There are other major reasons which are not that obvious.

  • French is a Global language
  • Top Educational Institutions
  • Increased job opportunities
  • Travel to other countries with confidence
  • Language of Culture and Romance
  • International relations
What is the quickest and easiest way to learn French Online?

People often ask, “how long does it usually take to learn French?” What’s the fastest way to learn the French language?

Some say it takes three months, whereas some claim six months to be proficient. Many others talk about the number of hours to become conversant in French. The answer is still vague. To learn French, you need a good study structured plan and a lot of motivation. Like everything else, you also need to keep at it to find out. 

Let us brainstorm to see how long it takes and if “fast” is the way to go.

It takes approximately 500-600 classroom hours to become conversant in French. It is also called as high intermediate level (B2). And around 1000-2000 classroom hours to become fluent (C2).

Let us see the number of hours in Cambridge English Exam to learn French below:

  • C2 Proficiency 1000-2000 Classroom Hours
  • C1 Advanced 700-800 Classroom hours
  • B2 First 500-600 Classroom Hours
  • B1 Preliminary 350-400 Classroom Hours
  • A2 Key 180-200 Classroom Hours
  • A1 Starters/Movers Classroom Hours
Why Learn French from Nurtem?

Nurtems’ mission is to ensure the kids and adults experience a high-quality learning experience. Nurtem’s program is built to make deeper connections while studying French. So you can speak the language with confidence. Our goal is to mold aspiring learners into professional learners through interactive classes by professionals.


Nurtem’s Vision is to value the satisfaction of French language learners, Kid’s parents, and their tutors.

  • Professional Tutors are available at Nurtem. 
  • Analyze your study style and help you excel 
  • Help you converse in French confidently
  • Courses are affordable; syllabus easy and intuitive
  • Students will be given assignments to improve their skills in French
  • Classes can be customized according to the needs

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What is the Best method of learning french?

The best way to learn any language is to completely engross yourself. Immersion is one of the best ways to learn French.

How can I help my child learn french?
  • Start with the basic alphabets and numbers
  • Introduce simple vocabulary into daily life
  • Use music as a means
  • Comics and cartoons work great  
  • Play different games
How long does it take to learn French?

With full immersion method, it would take three to six months to learn French. Speaking from day one method is the best learning method. The key is to surround yourself with the language as much as possible. Even though you may not become proficient in the language even after six months. Like any other language it requires you to be at it.

Can I learn french in 6 months?

Yes you can. It may look tough to learn French in 6 months. But it is possible to learn french if you are motivated, diligent and determined to do so.

What are the basic words in french?

Some basic words in french are:

  • Bonjour = Hello, Good morning
  • Au revoir = Goodbye
  • Merci beaucoup = thank you so much
  • De rien = you are welcome.
  • Monsieur = Mister, gentleman
  • Mademoiselle = Miss, unmarried woman
  • Madame = married woman, older woman
  • Je suis désolé(e)= I’m sorry
  • Je m’appelle= My name is
  • enchante= nice to meet you

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