
Learn Python from the experts

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Python and other coding classes for all ages and all levels

–  Innovative, fun and engaging

– LIVE Online Group and Private classes

– Start at any level and become an expert

         Join today!

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Certified Tutors from Top Universities

Python Programming classes for Professionals

Enhance your career opportunities! Choose a learning track that suits your needs !

python cloud

Python in Cloud


Explore the world of AWS/Azure and cloud concepts

python app

Python in App Development

Develop and deploy mobile applications. 

python automation

Python For Automation


Gain mastery in Python and build a strong automation framework

python ai chip

Python in AI/ML

Learn the concepts of AI/Ml with industry experts

python gaming

Python for IOT and Gaming

Develop mobile apps and games

python statistics

Python in Analytics

Learn the concept of big data and data analytics

Python Programming classes for Kids

Private and group coding classes for Grades K – 12!

python cloud

Grades K – 2

Introduce Coding in a fun way

Develop websites, Apps, Games and 3D Modeling

python app

Grades 3 – 4

Coding is easy with Python

Develop websites, Apps, Games using Python

python automation

Grades 5 – 6

Explore the world with Python

Develop complex apps, advanced Games



Online Live Classes

Every Monday
6:00 PM-7:00 PM PST
$249 USD/Month
$129 USD/Month

Online Live Classes

Every Saturday
5:00 PM-6:00 PM PST
$249 USD/Month
$129 USD/Month
Private Class  Pick a slot that works for you $349 USD/Month
$159 USD/Month


Course Details

Grade k – 2 students will be introduced to the concepts of coding through visual, fun and interactive sessions using Scratch and Blockly. They will progress from learning the basics of coding and will learn skills to develop games, 3D model and develop a website

What does this course offer?

  • Introduction to coding
  • Learn the complex concepts through games and puzzles
  • Develop and deploy Android based app
  • 3D designing and modeling
  • Website development
  • Personalized and interactive sessions with child friendly tutors


  • Computer with stable internet connection
  • No programming experience required

What you will Learn?

1. Introduction to coding

Coding teaches students how to analyze and solve the problem. Introducing python programming classes or concepts of coding is quintessential in developing confident kids. At this level, we introduce concepts through visual, fun and interactive sessions. Various technical concepts are explained using level by level puzzle-solving techniques.

Sequence, Algorithms, Debugging, looping, conditional statements, functions, variable Code Art, Animations and Play lab are some of the concepts being touched upon in this level.

This level is meant for students who have no prior coding experience. By completing this course, students will be able to understand and solve simple problems. They can then progress towards conventional text-based languages like Python.


Scratch is an interactive programming language and consists of graphical blocks that snap together, developed by the MIT Media Lab.

The immediate gratification of dragging and dropping commands and then seeing interactive stories, games, and animations unfold is insanely powerful. We use Scratch in our programming curriculum because it’s the perfect way for younger kids to develop their problem-solving, communication, and reasoning skills. It’s a stepping stone to computer programming and coding languages.

How many projects will the kids build?

Students will build 12 multi-purpose projects, where they get to implement what they learnt and have fun learning.

3. Android app development and deployment

Coding is fun and when kids get to develop their own app, it takes the learning to next level. App Inventor lets you develop applications for Android phones using a web browser and either the connected phone or emulator. Real-life coding and app deployment experience are shared with the kids on this journey.

Students will be able to build 6 Android mobile Applications at the end of this level

4.3D Designing and Modelling

All kids love drawing and creativity is at its maximum for kids. We want to bring their creative juices out by introducing 3D design and modelling. This also explores the world of 3D and they can take a step towards the future.

Instead of a flat, boring 2D plane, you move around in virtual 3D space, drawing cubes, spheres and many different shapes. Learning about 3D drawing and modelling will help the kids enter real-world modelling and foster creativity.

5. Website Development using Drag and drop

WordPress is the simplest, most popular way to create your own website and blogs. In the journey of WordPress, kids will make their own power-packed website showcasing their knowledge about themes, appearance and website plugins. They will also get an idea of how a website is a build and design that goes into building amazing websites.

The kids will get to develop and showcase one website and one blog. 


Online Live Classes

Every Monday
6:00 PM-7:00 PM PST
$249 USD/Month
$129 USD/Month

Online Live Classes

Every Saturday
5:00 PM-6:00 PM PST
$249 USD/Month
$129 USD/Month
Private Class  Pick a slot that works for you $349 USD/Month
$159 USD/Month




Online Live Classes

Every Tuesday
6:00 PM-7:00 PM PST
$249 USD/Month
$129 USD/Month

Online Live Classes

Every Saturday
6:30 PM-7:30 PM PST
$249 USD/Month
$129 USD/Month
Private Class  Pick a slot of your choice $349 USD/Month
$159 USD/Month

Course Details

Grade 3 – 4 students will be introduced the concepts of coding through visual, fun and interactive sessions. They will progress from learning the basics of coding and slowly progress towards Game development, App development and building their website.

What does this course offer?

  • Introduction to coding
  • Learn the complex concepts through games and puzzles
  • Develop and deploy Android-based app
  • 3D designing and modelling
  • Simple website development using HTML & CSS
  • Introduction to Python
  • Highly interactive session


  • Computer with stable internet connecting
  • Basic understanding of math and logic
  • No Programming experience required

What you will Learn?

1. Introduction to coding

Coding teaches kids how to analyze and solve the problem. Introducing coding or concepts of coding is quintessential in developing confident kids. In this level, we will introduce concepts through visual, fun and interactive sessions. Various technical terminologies are explained using level by level puzzle-solving techniques.

Sequence, Algorithms, Debugging, looping, conditional statements, functions, variable Code Art, Animations and Play lab are some of the concepts being touched upon in this level. The students will be challenged based on their levels.

This level is meant for kids who have no prior coding experience, by the end, we guarantee that the kids can understand and solve simple problems. They can progress towards conventional text-based languages.

2. Scratch

Scratch is its own programming language and consists of graphical blocks that snap together, developed by the MIT Media Lab.

The immediate gratification of dragging and dropping commands and then seeing interactive stories, games, and animations unfold is insanely powerful. We use Scratch in our programming curriculum because it’s the perfect way for younger kids to develop their problem-solving, communication, and reasoning skills. It’s a stepping stone to computer programming and coding languages.

How many projects will the kids build?

We are planning to build 12 multi-purpose projects, where kids get to implement what they learnt and have fun learning.

3. Android app development and deployment

Coding is fun and when kids get to develop their own app, it takes the learning to next level. App Inventor lets you develop applications for Android phones using a web browser and either the connected phone or emulator. Real-life coding and app deployment experience are shared with the kids on this journey.

We will be targeting to build 6 Android mobile Applications by end of this level

4. Website Development using Html & CSS

At this level, we slowly push the boundaries by introducing the kids to the world of website development.

HTML is the foundation of all web pages. It defines the structure of a page, while CSS defines its style. HTML and CSS are the beginning of everything kids need to know to start making their website. The kids will be introduced the concepts based on their level and understanding while making the entire journey fun and aimed towards learning in a better way.

Students will be building one website based on Html and CSS components.


5. World of Python

Why Python Programming training from NURTEM

  1.  Certified faculty with Industrial expertise of over 20+ years
  2. The course curriculum is designed for futuristic technologies – Robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).
  3. Study and Training material will be provided during the course
  4. Each session of our training is well planned to provide the student with Theoretical as well as practical knowledge.
  5. Assignments will be provided to the students, which will help them practice at home.
  6. Performance-based Industry Recognized Certificate will be provided after successful completion of the course.

What will be covered in this course?

  • Fundamentals of programming using Python-3 Programming Language
  • Learn to write the logic for various Mathematics and Science projects
  • Teaches all the important concepts in Python such as Data Types, Loops, Conditions, Functions, OOPS, Classes, Constructors, Errors and Exceptions Handling, etc…
  • Improves Logical thinking, Analytical, Debugging and Problem-Solving Skills
  • Provides a medium for Inventing, Innovative products for the future


Online Live Classes

Every Tuesday
6:00 PM-7:00 PM PST
$249 USD/Month
$129 USD/Month

Online Live Classes

Every Saturday
6:30 PM-7:30 PM PST
$249 USD/Month
$129 USD/Month
Private Class  Pick a slot of your choice $349 USD/Month
$159 USD/Month




Online Live Classes

Every Wednesday
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM PST
$249 USD
$129 USD

Online Live Classes

Every Saturday
8:00 AM-9:00 AM PST
$249 USD
$129 USD
Private Class Pick a slot that works for you $349 USD/Month
$159 USD/Month

Course Details

Python Level 5 – 6 comprises five modules including one elective where you get mastery with Python, Advanced Python, Python Professional, Database and Data Structure

What does this course offer?

  • Introduction to Python 
  • Learn and master the concepts such as Data Types, Loops, Conditions, Functions, OOPS, Classes, Constructors, Errors and Exceptions Handling, context managers etc… 
  • Learn the concept of automation and building a framework
  • Understand the concepts of database and datascience


  • Computer with stable internet connecting
  • Basic understanding of math and logic
  • No programming experience required

What you will Learn?

1. Python

Why Python Programming training from NURTEM

  1.  Certified faculty with Industrial expertise of over 20+ years
  2. The course curriculum is designed for futuristic technologies – Robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).
  3. Study and Training material will be provided during the course
  4. Each session of our training is well planned to provide the student with theoretical as well as practical knowledge.
  5. Assignments will be provided to the students, which will help them practice at home.
  6. Performance-based Industry Recognized Certificate will be provided after successful completion of the course.

What will be covered in this course?

  • Fundamentals of programming using Python-3 Programming Language
  • Learn to write the logic for various Mathematics and Science projects
  • Teaches all the important concepts in Python such as Data Types, Loops, Conditions, Functions, OOPS, Classes, Constructors, Errors and Exceptions Handling, etc…
  • Improves Logical thinking, Analytical, Debugging and Problem-Solving Skills
  • Provides a medium for Inventing, Innovative products for the future
2. Advanced Python

Once you master the Python basics. We take you through the advanced concepts which enables you to code confidently. Once you master the basics, it is not time to think about increasing performance and efficiency. A couple of topics that will be covered are :

  • Object-oriented 
  • Comprehension (Multiple and Nested) 
  • Closures and decorators
  • Extended keyword arguments
  • Generators and iterators protocols 
  • context managers
  • operator overloading
  • inheritance 


3. Python Professional

At this level, the student will be able to independently come up with logic and write medium to complex codes. This level pushes the boundaries with real-world examples using Git, Github and focusing on automation.  Introducing the concepts of libraries and a step towards building a reusable automation framework. Breaking down an issue by troubleshooting and debugging a code. 

4. Database and Datascience

At this level, students will be introduced to the concept of the database. The real-world examples of how the database is used, how to read, write, delete or insert into a database. The students will learn how to use Python to do basic database operation. Introduction to python SQL libraries. 


Online Live Classes

Every Wednesday
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM PST
$249 USD
$129 USD

Online Live Classes

Every Saturday
8:00 AM-9:00 AM PST
$249 USD
$129 USD
Private Class Pick a slot that works for you $349 USD/Month
$159 USD/Month
python ai chip

Grades 7 – 8

Explore the world of coding with Python

Learn Advanced Python concepts, Game and app development, cloud concepts

python gaming

Grades 9 – 12

Master the world of coding with Python

Learn Advanced Python concepts, Cloud, AI/ML, Game and app development



Online Live Classes

Every Thursday
6:00 PM-7:00 PM PST
$249 USD
$129 USD

Online Live Classes

Every Sunday
5:00 PM-6:00 PM PST
$249 USD
$129 USD
Private Class Pick a slot that works for you $349 USD/Month
$159 USD/Month

Course Details

Python Level 7 – 8 targets learning and building strong knowledge in Python, Advanced Python, database and data science.

What does this course offer?

  • Introduction to Python
  • Learn and master the concepts such as Data Types, Loops, Conditions, Functions, OOPS, Classes, Constructors, Errors and Exceptions Handling, context managers etc…
  • Learn the concept of automation and building a framework
  • Understand the concepts of database and data science


  • Computer with stable internet connecting
  • Good understanding of math and logic
  • No programming experience required

What you will Learn?

1. Python

Why Python Programming training from NURTEM

  1.  Certified faculty with Industrial expertise of over 20+ years
  2. The course curriculum is designed for futuristic technologies – Robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).
  3. Study and Training material will be provided during the course
  4. Each session of our training is well planned to provide the student with theoretical as well as practical knowledge.
  5. Assignments will be provided to the students, which will help them practice at home.
  6. Performance-based Industry Recognized Certificate will be provided after successful completion of the course.

What will be covered in this course?

  • Fundamentals of programming using Python-3 Programming Language
  • Learn to write the logic for various Mathematics and Science projects
  • Teaches all the important concepts in Python such as Data Types, Loops, Conditions, Functions, OOPS, Classes, Constructors, Errors and Exceptions Handling, etc…
  • Improves Logical thinking, Analytical, Debugging and Problem-Solving Skills
  • Provides a medium for Inventing, Innovative products for the future
2. Advanced Python

Once you master the Python basics. We take you through the advanced concepts which enables you to code confidently. Once you master the basics, it is not time to think about increasing performance and efficiency. A couple of topics that will be covered are :

  • Object-oriented
  • Comprehension (Multiple and Nested)
  • Closures and decorators
  • Extended keyword arguments
  • Generators and iterators protocols
  • context managers
  • operator overloading
  • inheritance
3. Python Professional

At this level, the student will be able to independently come up with logic and write medium to complex codes. This level pushes the boundaries with real-world examples using Git, Github and focusing on automation.  Introducing the concepts of libraries and a step towards building a reusable automation framework. Breaking down an issue by troubleshooting and debugging a code.

4. Database and Datascience

At this level, students will be introduced to the concept of the database. The real-world examples of how the database is used, how to read, write, delete or insert into a database. The students will learn how to use Python to do basic database operation. Introduction to python SQL libraries.


Online Live Classes

Every Thursday
6:00 PM-7:00 PM PST
$249 USD
$129 USD

Online Live Classes

Every Sunday
5:00 PM-6:00 PM PST
$249 USD
$129 USD
Private Class Pick a slot that works for you $349 USD/Month
$159 USD/Month




Online Live Classes

Every Friday

6:00 PM-7:00 PM PST

$249 USD
$129 USD

Online Live Classes

Every Sunday
6:30 PM-7:30 PM PST
$249 USD
$129 USD
Private class Pick a slot that works for you $349 USD/Month
$159 USD/Month

Course Details

Python Level 9 – 12 targets building a strong base in computing concepts, also introducing concepts of AI/ML on the way. The foundation begins with mastering Python and adding other skills on the way.

What does this course offer?

  • Introduction to Python
  • Learn and master the concepts such as Data Types, Loops, Conditions, Functions, OOPS, Classes, Constructors, Errors and Exceptions Handling, context managers etc…
  • Learn the concept of automation and building a framework
  • Understand the concepts of database and data science
  • Introduction to AI/ML 
  • Introduction to Cloud concepts 


  • Computer with stable internet connecting
  • Good understanding of math and logic
  • No programming experience required

What you will Learn?

1. Python

Why Python Programming training from NURTEM

  1.  Certified faculty with Industrial expertise of over 20+ years
  2. The course curriculum is designed for futuristic technologies – Robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).
  3. Study and Training material will be provided during the course
  4. Each session of our training is well planned to provide the student with theoretical as well as practical knowledge.
  5. Assignments will be provided to the students, which will help them practice at home.
  6. Performance-based Industry Recognized Certificate will be provided after successful completion of the course.

What will be covered in this course?

  • Fundamentals of programming using Python-3 Programming Language
  • Learn to write the logic for various Mathematics and Science projects
  • Teaches all the important concepts in Python such as Data Types, Loops, Conditions, Functions, OOPS, Classes, Constructors, Errors and Exceptions Handling, etc…
  • Improves Logical thinking, Analytical, Debugging and Problem-Solving Skills
  • Provides a medium for Inventing, Innovative products for the future
2. Advanced Python

Once you master the Python basics. We take you through the advanced concepts which enables you to code confidently. Once you master the basics, it is not time to think about increasing performance and efficiency. A couple of topics that will be covered are :

  • Object-oriented
  • Comprehension (Multiple and Nested)
  • Closures and decorators
  • Extended keyword arguments
  • Generators and iterators protocols
  • context managers
  • operator overloading
  • inheritance
3. Python Professional

At this level, the student will be able to independently come up with logic and write medium to complex codes. This level pushes the boundaries with real-world examples using Git, Github and focusing on automation.  Introducing the concepts of libraries and a step towards building a reusable automation framework. Breaking down an issue by troubleshooting and debugging a code.

4. Database and Datascience , cloud, AI/Ml

At this level, students will be introduced to the concept of the database. The real-world examples of how the database is used, how to read, write, delete or insert into a database. The students will learn how to use Python to do basic database operation. Introduction to python SQL libraries.

Also, students get to learn concepts of AI/Ml and cloud concepts. At the end of this course, the students will have a better idea about Python, automation framework, database and data science. They will also have a good understanding of AI/ML and cloud concepts , which they can develop later on.


Online Live Classes

Every Friday

6:00 PM-7:00 PM PST

$249 USD
$129 USD

Online Live Classes

Every Sunday
6:30 PM-7:30 PM PST
$249 USD
$129 USD
Private class Pick a slot that works for you $349 USD/Month
$159 USD/Month


Why learn Python Online with Nurtem?

Nurtem is a leading learning platform. Our mission is to make sure every person has access to education. We want to open the door to your career opportunities and empower people to achieve their goals through accessible education.

Our Python classes are designed to make sure every student no matter where they start, get to explore different paths based on their interest. Nurtem offers the best Python class. We offer the best resources to master Python. 

python learning
course completion

Why Nurtem python programming classes is unique?

  • Anyone can start learning from anywhere.
  • Python programming classes designed to give you the best learning experience.
  • We plan to introduce a wide variety of topics, so you can apply what you learnt in your school or project or work
  • Students get to develop the game, mobile app and build a website
  • Students get to explore cloud concepts, AI/ML, Game and mobile app development
  • Students can choose to learn in a group setting or private 1-1 session, learn at their pace and we will match their learning style. We offer the best python class for beginners.

What is Python used for?

Python is a versatile language and very easy for anyone to start learning and code. It is an open-source language and has very strong libraries and community support to help code better. Python is used in data science, Artificial intelligence, Cloud, machine learning etc, hence learning Python paves the way to conquer advanced computing concepts. 

With technology advancement learning to code is an important aspect to land and be successful in your career. There is an increase in demand for people who knows Python. It is also the fastest growing programming language. Anyone at any age can begin to learn Python online.

python used for
python code bootcamp

What is included in every Python code Bootcamp?

  • Certified faculty with Industrial expertise of over 20+ years..
  • The class curriculum designed keeping future technologies in mind – Robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML).
  • Highly interactive session with ample hands-on time.
  • Study and Training material provided to supplement classroom learning
  • Each session of our training is well planned to provide the student with Theoretical as well as practical knowledge.
  • Assignments and projects are given at end of each session to practice at home
  • A performance-based Industry recognized Certificate will be provided after successful completion of the class.

What kind of jobs can you get if you know Python?

Learning Python can pave the way to landing your dream job. Most successful companies need employees with strong Python knowledge. Some jobs which are lucrative in both salary and challenge which needs strong Python knowledge are as follows: 

  • Developer
  • Data Analyst 
  • Quality assurance engineer
  • Software engineer
  • Full-stack developer
  • Machine learning Engineer and many more…
python careers

Get Python Certified by Nurtem

In our Python online class, students will be given projects and assignments to understand the concepts better. They will be able to independently solve mini projects given throughout the class. There will be a quiz and projects given after they complete the designed milestones. Students who successfully complete the entire course will be able to proudly show off their Nurtem certificate. 

What Our Students Says

“My daughter took python coding via Nurtem last summer, and she didn’t have prior knowledge in coding before this. She started learning from basics and progressed to advanced programming concepts. We loved the program and the structure. Taught by experienced instructors”


My kid started learning Python via Nurtem, and he gained a lot of interest in coding. Run by professional tutors, and they make the session fun.




Is it possible to learn Python online?

Python has a simple structure and easy to understand commands similar to the English language. This makes Python simple and easy to learn. Anyone can learn Python online on their own or online course. At Nurtem we offer private and group lessons for students of all ages and level. 

How many months will it take to learn Python?

 It takes about 6 – 8 weeks to learn and get a hang of the language. You will be able to understand most code and understand the logic. As with any new skill, learning and mastering Python needs constant practice. At Nurtem we have designed the class which includes a lot of projects, tests to make sure you understand the basics better. Happy coding!

Is Python a good career?

Python is the fastest-growing programming language. The demand for Python has increased over the past decade. Companies are ready to pay a high salary for people who are expert in Python and coding in general. Also since python is used for advanced computing concepts like Artificial intelligence, cloud computing etc, learning Python paves the way to conquer advanced concepts and high paying jobs.

Why should kids learn to code early

It is very important for kids to learn coding at an earlier age as the future is going to demand an increase in coding in all the sectors. Kids can learn to code as early as 5 years of age. At Nurtem our kid’s coding program starts at the age of 5. We introduce complex programming concepts using Visual and fun way. Slowly they progress towards Python and advanced concepts. Learn to code helps kids with the following

  • Fosters creativity
  • Helps with out of box thinking
  • Improves logical and analytical reasoning
  • Helps with problem solving
I'm a beginner. Should I learn Python first?

Python with its easy to understand language and structure, it is easier for anyone to start and follow. If you are an absolute beginner, you can start with Python basics and build step by step. As with any learning, you need to dedicate time and practice consistently to excel. Also, python has a very strong supporting community, so it is easier to get help or solutions if you are stuck. At Nurtem we have expert tutors who can help build your knowledge in Python. 

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