Video Gaming Vs. Reading: Do they benefit kids with their school performance?

video gaming

Video games can benefit people of all ages!

In most cases, people play video games for entertainment purposes. But have you ever thought that games could improve your child’s academic performance? Unfortunately, there is a perception that video games are harmful weapons that destroy a child’s education. That’s not true.

In recent years, kids have increasingly engaged in electronic media by playing video games. Thus, researchers conducted a study to determine whether this activity has a detrimental impact on children’s academic performance. In response, it has been demonstrated that playing video games has a more beneficial impact on children’s academic performance than reading.

Could you guess how? Here’s what you need to know:

Video Games Vs. Reading

The outcome of Video Games Vs. Reading depends on how much screen time your kids spend and what kind of learning style they have.

Some parents believe that gaming is just a waste of time and that reading is the most effective way to get the most out of learning. Thus, many parents encourage their kids to read books instead of playing video games. The truth is, like reading, video games can help your child develop a wide range of skills and creativity.

Besides, to cope with the current trends, books have evolved into screens like movies, TV shows, and even video games to make learning easier for children. It’s no secret that reading has many advantages for children’s academic achievement; however, video games have even more advantages.

Here are some cognitive benefits that video games can offer your kids:

1. Improves Memory

Playing video games is all about winning. Therefore, to win a game, one should understand the game rules and how the game works. In other words, following the rules is one of the most important aspects of winning a game. Thus, as a gamer, your kids should remember the rules when playing a video game. Further, other critical aspects of winning include control, objectives, characters, and settings.

By keeping all these things in mind, your kid will not only succeed in games. Their memory will be enhanced as well.

2. Improves Focus

There is no doubt that video games are excellent at grabbing kids’ attention. Nevertheless, it is not easy to replicate the same additivity in your kid’s learning. However, they can develop fundamental skills that will assist them with reading. Focus is one such skill.

3. Coordinating skills

Video games are full of visual and auditory stimuli. In contrast to watching videos, players need to move and react to what they see onscreen. In other words, the motion tracking and virtual reality features present in the video games can motivate the child to move their entire body to progress through the game. The child’s coordination will improve as a result of such practice.

4. Speed up brain function

As we said earlier, video games are full of visual and audio stimuli. So, while playing, players can interpret and react within a fraction of a second to the effects. This can only be accomplished if our brain works at lightning speed.

Research and studies have also proved that video games allow people to improve their ability to react more quickly and avoid losing. Hence, there is no doubt that video games increase people’s brain functionality.

5. Improves Problem Solving Skills

There are a lot of video games that are filled with puzzles, challenges, and limitations. Those who play these types of video games will develop problem-solving skills. This is because kids typically enjoy playing video games and are focused on crossing barriers, such as challenges, to win.

6. Memory control

It is not only your memory that is enhanced when you play challenging games. It helps people control painful recollections of past traumas and post-traumatic stress disorder. Games such as Candy Crush, Pattern-matching are excellent for strengthening memory control.

7. Socializing

Video games are a great way for kids to meet new friends. This is because they enable them to interact with others. In addition, kids can learn how to socialize.

Note: Multiplayer video games will include people of all types. Make sure your kids are interacting with the right people.

8. Improves leadership quality

Kids often take leads and follow each other when playing video games in a squad. As a result, this will improve their leadership skills. According to a study conducted at Palo Alto Research Center, “teens who have played online squad games gained leadership skills such as motivating others.”. So, let your kids enjoy video games by leading their teammates.

9. Spark Creativity

Research says Video games are not bad for kids. Playing video games helps kids develop their creativity. Researchers analyzed over 350 participants in an experimental study. Among them, some gamers were analyzed by playing with instructions, and others were analyzed without assigning instructions. The researchers compared the effects of players with and without instruction and found that people who participated in games without instruction were more creative than their counterparts. So, give freedom for your kids to play video games.

10. Encourages teamwork

A player who plays multiplayer video games is likely to learn how to work in a team. For instance, if a group of kids is given a project to work on, one thing that is essential among them is teamwork. The kids are naturally encouraged to do that by playing video games.

So these are some of the benefits a student can gain from video games. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages as well. Here are some video game downtimes for your knowledge. Walkthrough them and be aware of them.

Downtimes of Video Games

It is not true that all video games are safe for kids; some games promote violence, drug use, and alcoholism. Video games may also harm your children if they spend too much time playing them. Be sure to limit their screen time. There are a few other negative effects associated with playing video games. Some of them include:

  • Poor sound sleep
  • Aggressive behavior and thoughts
  • Less socializing with family

How to overcome the negative impact of video games?

  • Limit the screen time for your kids
  • Check whether it is an age-appropriate game or not
  • Set parental control for the electronic device

Bottom lines

Play for fun by paving the way for learning.

Video games have both positive and negative effects on kids. However, by encouraging your kid to use it positively, they can reap all the benefits a video game can offer. So, don’t stop your kids from playing video games on the weekends, whether you like it or not. Let your game begin!

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