Tips to Improve Handwriting

Tips to Improve Handwriting

Whether you are a student or a professional, in every aspect writing plays a huge role. Even though we live in the digital age, writing is vital in everyone’s life.

However, some kids have imperfect and sloppy handwriting. Am I right? If your kid is one of them, you should work on improving it. How?

Handwriting can be improved in many ways. If you are seeking good guidance, you are in the right place. We have collected some tips and tricks for building better handwriting to save you time.

Just wait. I guess some of your kids are left-handed. Relax. I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading the tips. I’ve included some tips for you as well. Come, let’s read them together.

Tips to improve handwriting for right-handers

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1. Properly hold the writing tool

The most critical aspect of improving your handwriting is properly holding the writing tool. Children commonly use crayons and sketch pens. But, when it comes to handwriting, make sure your child uses a quality pen or pencil. Also, make sure your child grips the pencil with his thumb, index, and middle fingers. Modeling this behavior for your child will teach them how to hold the writing tool properly.

2. Relax your grip

Keep a close eye on your child’s handwriting. If you notice a strong imprint on the next page, your youngster writes with more force. Your child’s fingers may cramp as a result of the pressure.

3. Use the right stationery

Before you write, think of choosing the right stationery. Using high-quality stationery can help you improve your handwriting because a decent pencil can aid in the child’s grip and reduce the amount of pressure used. A good eraser can also assist them in quickly correcting errors.

4. Check posture

When you want to improve your handwriting, good posture is essential. So, sit with your back straight, flat, and legs uncrossed. Arms and hands should be relaxed. Shake your hands till you’re comfortable. Then, take a deep breath and start writing.

Note: When writing, many people wrap their arms around the page. However, good handwriting can be aided by sitting up straight and resting your forearm on the table.

5. Check letters lineup

Take a piece of your kid’s handwriting and examine how the heights of the letters are lined up on the paper. In general, messy handwriting will have inconsistent letters in their size. For instance: some letters may go over the bottom or top of the lines.

Hence, if you find any such things in your kids’ writing, point the specific areas out to your kid. Through this, they will notice their mistakes and work on them. Also, point out the letters that appear to be well written. This will give them more confidence in their ability to improve their handwriting.

6. Check the loops

Another example of poor handwriting is the failure to close the rings and loops. This results in unreadable form. For instance, it will be hard for the readers to distinguish between o and a. So, you should point out the open loops in your kids’ writing. It will motivate them to begin closing the critical gaps. If your child discovers close loops, encourage them with positive feedback.

7. Check for dot and cross

If a child or adult fails to place the dots in the i’s and the crosses in the t’s, you should inform them. They will not be discouraged if you point out their errors; they will learn from them.

8. Practice

Letterforms and sizes are critical for good handwriting. Thus, when your child starts writing, please encourage them to practice on a four-line note before moving on to a two-line note. Nothing is possible without practice. Hence, extra writing activities should be included in the four-line and two-line notes.

9. Go Slow

Many people attempt to write too fast. Probably, it might be the primary cause of unreadable handwriting. You don’t have to force yourself to write fast unless you’re taking an examination or forced to rush. Slow down and pay attention to your letter formation and writing structure.

10. Provide a positive & favorable environment

Allow your kids to write in a comfortable seated position where they can freely move their arms and hands. Writing should always be done in a seated position. If your child tries to write while lying down or watching TV, tell them this is not a good writing manner. Also, increase their reading time. Reading books with neatly printed letters will inspire the kids to improve their handwriting.

Tips to improve handwriting for lefties or left-handers

left hand writing
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Being left-handed has many ups and downs. For example, if your child is a lefty with lousy handwriting, then try out the following tips to help them improve.

1. Paper placement

Right-handed people frequently hold their paper at an angle (30-35 degrees). On the other hand, left-handed people should raise the page’s left corner. This exercise can help left-handed people write neatly and maintain a proper wrist position.

Even you might have noticed that some left-handed kids slant their paper excessively. They do this to prevent their wrist from hooking. So, allow them to slant their paper unless it affects the neatness.

2. Cross strokes

We usually go from left to right and top to bottom when writing. But, left-handed people may cross letters by moving their hands from right to left. But, some left-handed kids don’t get it. So, put a mark on the left-hand side and remind them where to begin their writing.

3. Pencil grip and posture

Sit up straight and flat on your back to write better. If necessary, adjust the height of your table or chair. The table should be at least as high as your elbows. Now it’s time to get your pencil or pen out and practice writing. Hold the pencil or pen an inch taller than a right-handed person with your left hand.

Furthermore, before you begin writing, place your forearm on the desk. It will assist you in maintaining control over your pencil grip. This paves the way for the left-handers with stronger handwriting.

4. Never force them to use right-hand

Many parents insist that their children use their right hand rather than their left. They may be disappointed and stressed as a result of this. So don’t make your child write with the other hand.

5. Begin with large letters

Start with larger letters when teaching a left-handed person to write. It will enable children to form the habit of not gripping the pen or pencil too tightly or using too much pressure.

6. Encourage

If your kid is a left-hand writer, then some of their teachers at school might probably force them to use the right hand. This may frustrate them at some point. Don’t let them feel bad. It would help if you told them how unique it is to be born left-handed. You should give them the confidence to tell others that they are left-handed.

Once they are confident and familiar with the writing, please provide them with their writing tools.

Wrapping up:

It doesn’t matter if your kid is right-handed or left-handed. If you are concerned that your kid is having difficulty improving their handwriting, use these tips. The tips given in this blog will assist you in guiding your kid towards more neat and legible handwriting without changing their writing style.

Be sure to inspire your kids to improve handwriting without any difficulty.

Make a better writer for the future. Good luck!

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