A Reverse Poem has different meanings when read forwards or backwards. Reading from the first line to the last, it is a negative/pessimistic poem. Reading it from the last line to the first, it becomes a positive/optimistic poem.

I am a believer that true friends don’t exist 

And I refuse to believe that 

friends may help in your hardships 

I realize this may be a shock, but

true friends will stand up for you 

Is a lie

You cannot depend on your friends for any help at all

In 30 years, I will tell my children that

I have my priorities straight because 


Is more important than


I tell you this:

Once upon a time

people helped other people 

But this will not be true in my era

People will mind their own business

Experts tell me 

People are becoming more self-centered

I do not conclude that

Friends can act for you in times of trouble

In the future,

friends will never stand up for you

No longer can it be said that

friends will support you during your hard times 

It will be evident that 

friends are a waste of time 

It is foolish to presume that

Friends care about you

And all of this will come true unless we reverse it

Friends care about you

It is foolish to presume that

friends are a waste of time

It will be evident that

friends will support you during your hard times

No longer can it be said that

friends will never stand up for you

In the future,

Friends can act for you in times of trouble

I do not conclude that

People are becoming more self-centered

Experts tell me

People will mind their own business

But this will not be true in my era

people helped other people

Once upon a time

I tell you this:


Is more important than


I have my priorities straight because

In 30 years, I will tell my children that

You cannot depend on your friends for any help at all

Is a lie

true friends will stand up for you

I realize this may be a shock, but

friends may help in your hardships

And I refuse to believe that

I am a believer that true friends don’t exist

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