Double Acrostic

Soccer ball flies

People cheer and clap

Opposing team saying Boo! Boo!

Rolling to the goalkeeper

Takes a leap and saves it

Middle Acrostic

        It is So boring

Lunch is Coming

 I am so Happy

      I will Open my box

      I got Oatmeal!   I don’t Like oatmeal


It is a bright day

birds are chirping loud and clear

An eagle swoops down…

The brave jungle king 

Roar! He tears up his weak prey

Gulp! Nothing remains

Striding along the grass

This striped, strong, mighty creature

Crack! Sees his week prey

The ocean’s beauty

The blue animal swims along

Her prey found, and –– Gulp!


Let me ride this huge, mighty horse 

Oh no! I see a legion’s force

Metaphor Poem

Nature is a beautiful bird

Singing softly and bringing happiness

throughout the world beyond

Nature is a raging fire

Ruthlessly taking everything 

Within its boundaries

Nature is a green tree

Animals peacefully living

Inside and out

I Am From Poem

I am from colorful rubik’s cubes and colorful walls

From the garden at my grandparents’ house in India

I am from a family who hikes on weekends

and from a family known for eating fruits and vegetables 

I am from lemons, figs, blackberries, and raspberries growing in my backyard 

Which would fill our bellies

I am from playing basketball at my neighbor’s house

And from the song ‘Believer’

I am from Rithvik and Raghu

and from Puri and Oliga

I am from those moments when the sun sets and rises in the beautiful sky.


A bird goes for a meter-run

A beetle comes and says a pun

I cannot bear that bear

I see it over there

Oh no I really need to run…

There once was a silly dog

Who met a serious frog

When they met at a pond

They developed a bond

And talked a lot on their log

There once was a cool rocket ship

Who’d really always want to grip

That cool-looking asteroid

Then would go in the void

And put their finger on their lip

The police are on high alert

They saw a thief who would divert

Everyone they saw

Would take their money raw

and to stop them from looking ––– dirt

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