How to cultivate a good study habits?

How to cultivate a good study habits?

Cultivating good study habits can make you more efficient at studying. But how do you develop them?

Successful students are not those who devote a lot of time to learning. All it takes for people to develop and maintain effective study habits. Creating effective study habits is the first step toward becoming a successful student. 

Developing a set of skills that will serve you well in the future is one of the best ways to boost your grades. Learning how and how best you learn begins with cultivating strong study habits.

bottom lines

Studying does not have to sound boring or like a chore. A good study habit can make studying enjoyable and rewarding. You can start building on your practices to make your study habits more disciplined. 

Today, it is common for students to procrastinate and slack off while studying from time to time. It can sometimes be difficult to sit quietly and absorb information. With so much social media around the kids, the distraction is even more. 

But what if this article told you that you could genuinely build your study habits? Let us find out how:

Understanding how habits are formed:

Habit is an intriguing concept!

Why is it that we never forget things like eating and sleeping? This is something we do simply as if we were on autopilot. The art of habits is amazing. We form them and stick to them easily.

how habits are formed

To start with a habit, write down what is on your mind what you would like to do the next day. Then, the next day, try to execute your written work. The more you write and execute, the better the brain will adapt. Eventually, the brain will be used to a cycle and make you accustomed to a pattern. 

The thing about habits is that it works differently for everyone. Some may form early, and others may form late. But in the end, we all form useful and efficient habits. 

Discover your learning style:

Every learning style is unique!

Many of us are in the process of discovering our habits. But, of course, it takes as much time for us to figure as any habit. The key to adapting to a good study habit is discovering what learning style you fit into. Once you identify that, your journey of cultivating good habits begins.

Discover your learning style

Most of us learn through seeing, hearing, and experiencing. Visual learners learn through seeing and reading. Auditory learners learn through listening and speaking. Kinesthetic learners through touching and doing. You can use simple activities to find out which category you fit into. 

Your learning style will help you perform better and get good grades. Each learning style is unique for every student. And every student absorbs information in different ways. Whatever your learning style, pick the best that suits you and works for you. 

Organizing your life:

Being organized is liberating!

Organizing your papers and other things helps you get straight to studying without having to lose time. Sometimes, the mess you have created outside plays havoc on your mind inside. By having a cleaner and more organized setting, you will be much more focused.

A good way to start the day is to plan it. Putting it in writing helps you focus on things way better. So you know how much to study, how many hours to study, and what to study. Just casually strolling the book or having random plans would mess up the day. 


Organizing helps you in breaking your workload into smaller chunks. Thereby helping you with a smarter study habit to develop. Dividing into smaller parts not only helps you focus but also remain calm.

Some techniques to use to get organized are: 

  • A calendar or a planner to keep track of all your assignments
  • Use coloured folders to demarcate them
  • Mark the files or documents to avoid the last-minute rush
  • Create a timetable and stick to it

Staying focused to avoid a rut:

Being focused helps you grow!

A good study habit forms when you clear the mess was strewn around in your room. The more the mess, the more it could deter you from revising. The things scattered around the house are the major distractions and can impact concentration. Eventually, making you lose focus.

Mobile phones consume a lot of your time and life. Turning off your mobile or keeping it on silent helps. You can take breaks in between to check in case of emergency calls or reply to messages. Another way is to keep the phone away for a few hours till you have studied. 

Staying focused

Social media has taken over our lives, and how. They are a major distraction, especially for the younger generation. While we can’t ignore them completely, we can avoid a few hours while studying. After all, your education is far more important. Furthermore, you will be able to detox your mind by avoiding social media for a few hours a day.

The golden rule to change your habit:

Is there truly a golden rule to habit change?

Habit-forming can work both ways. It has its perks as well as its downsides. When you set a good or a bad habit, you will fall into it sooner or later. And even you know it, they will become a part of your daily routine. So, be very careful of what you follow.

habits change

The golden rule of habit transformation is to identify habits. Our brain can develop thoughts, and when those thoughts are repeated, they become habits. For example, when your brain comes up with an idea, pick it up quickly. When you pick up the same ideas continually, they become a habit. By ignoring the negative thoughts, you focus on the positive thoughts. Thereby building good study habits for life.


Building habits take time, but once you have built them, they last a lifetime. Be consistent and stick to your study routine to maintain it throughout your school years. 

So what are you waiting for? Plant the seeds of good studying habits and watch them grow!

How to Engage Students in Online Learning

How to Engage Students in Online Learning

Login instead of walking in!

With the current pandemic situations, distance learning has become common among students. However, many children still have difficulty switching from a traditional classroom to an online learning environment. Hence, keeping students engaged isn’t always easy. So, teachers need to take extra measures to engage students effectively. But how?

Here are some tips and tricks for teachers to keep their students engaged during online learning. So, make sure to implement the following in your live session.

How to Engage Students in Online Learning?

1. Explain how the online class works

How to engage students in online learning

Before you begin your teaching, explain how online education works. Because for some students, it might be the first online class to get started with. Create an introductory video session to access the necessary software and hardware. It will help the students to stay tuned in the virtual classroom without any delay or technical issues.

2. Help to set up learning space

How to engage students in online learning

A slight sound may distract the students when learning. Especially at home, students may easily get distracted. Encouraging students with a positive environment will make them more engaged in online classes without sound distraction. So, help the kids set up a friendly workspace with essential tools like headphones, webcams, etc.

3. Build Student-Teacher interaction

When a teacher and student are physically distant, creating a social connection between them becomes more complicated.

In the classroom environment, teachers used to be more friendly and chat with the students before beginning their class or in the midst. But, when it comes to online teaching, teachers also have problems like login issues and subject portion completion. Hence, they may concentrate on their teaching part.

How to engage students in online learning

However, a good student-teacher connection makes the learners more comfortable asking subject questions that students have in their minds. Hence, it would be best to build a friendly relationship with your students as a teacher.

4. Begin with an Agenda

How to engage students in online learning

Before teaching the topic, begin with an Agenda. Providing a plan or schedule at the beginning of the class will help the students know what topics will be covered in today’s session. So… start the teaching session with a layout or bullet list and offer them prior knowledge on what will be taught in the particular session.

5. Build Strong Community

One of the best ways to spice up students’ engagement in online learning is “building a strong community or group.” How?

How to engage students in online learning

Create a group like a message board, social media groups, etc. You can easily connect with your students through the groups to share the study materials during teaching and non-teaching hours. Even it will be helpful for the students to ask subject-related doubts to get clarified whenever they have them. Also, with this technique, you can let your students know that you are available for them whenever necessary.

6. Let them collaborate

How to engage students in online learning

Distance learning can make the students feel isolated since every student is in a different learning space. To fight the feeling of isolation, help them collaborate by assigning project works in groups. When they are in a group or with a partner, they can combine the creativity of their ideas and share individual perspectives. In addition, they can create a relationship with one another. It will make them feel more comfortable when participating in class.

7. Communicate

You’ll never know whether a student feels bored or sleeping unless you ask in remote teaching. This is because, in a virtual classroom, some students might be uninterested in listening while others feel shy to interact or fall behind. So, communicate with the kids in the middle of your class by asking questions or chatting.

How to engage students in online learning

Further, there are multiple formats accessible for the students and teachers to communicate in online learning. For instance: sending email, forum discussion, etc. Why don’t you get in touch with your students?

8. Include games

There is no doubt that students love games. Some kids even have a passion for fun games more than their studies. So, why don’t you try adding games to your teaching?

How to engage students in online learning

There are many ways to add games to kids’ studies. However, you don’t need to develop a full-fledged game. Instead, use a few game elements like a quiz competition. Adding game elements in teaching make the students more interested in listening to the lectures. Also, reward your students with badges or certificates for their win and participation. It will encourage the students to concentrate on their subjects.

9. Feedback

If you want to check whether your student is engaged in the online class, why not ask them? Every student won’t be honest when a teacher questions them directly. Instead, create anonymous polls and ask the students to answer what they feel about your teaching. It will be a great way to assess how interested they are in your lecture and how interactive they are in your session. Further, you can create a discussion session with your students and find their needs in your teaching.

How to engage students in online learning

Without feedback, students and teachers would never know what they are experiencing in the online course. Therefore, always provide constructive feedback and keep your kids engaged in the online classroom.

10. Motivate

How to engage students in online learning

Motivation usually drives the kids on the right path. It helps the students to face their difficulties in assignments on their own. Also, it encourages them to stay motivated and build confidence in their learning. So, please don’t force the students to complete their assignments. Instead, let them learn how to work things in their way. This will allow the students to stay active in the virtual classroom.


There has been a consequent growth in online learning for the past few decades. In addition, Covid -19 pandemic has transformed education from traditional classroom learning to online learning. But, online classes are not familiar among students and teachers who are not used to them. So, for some people, online learning would be hard to stay active. Try implementing the tips mentioned above and lead your learning and teaching journey ahead if you are among those!

We wish the best for the future of your young talented students:)

Creative Writing- Beginner Guide

Creative Writing- Beginner Guide

Do you love to write creatively but have writer’s block?

Writing stems from within you. Whether you are a first-time writer or a seasoned writer, creativity starts in your head. Research shows the creative side of the brain is the right side of the brain. And anyone who uses their imagination and originality and puts it on paper can write creatively. So as long as it is not entirely a true story, it can be whatever you want it to be.

A creative writer goes above and beyond traditional Writing. It defies categorization into a particular writing genre. Creative Writing is not restricted like the other styles of Writing impose.


Creative Writing, unlike academic and technical Writing, has no limitations. It can be used to create a narrative from here and a story from there. We use Creative Writing to express ourselves and entertain others.

But where and how do we start writing?

What exactly Creative Writing is?

Creative Writing is the art of using your imagination to write. Creative Writing uses the senses and emotions to invoke a solid visual into the mind of the reader. To hone your creative writing skills, you must infuse your style and creativity. That is why Writing is unique and full of self-expression. At the same time, another style of Writing leaves the reader with facts and information.

what is creative writing

Creative Writing has different styles and genres, which include fiction and nonfiction. Whether it is poetry writing, storytelling, prose, novel writing, and much more, it pulls you into a new world created from your imagination. Some write for fun while others write to achieve something. Either they want to become a writer, earn a certificate, or a degree.

Regardless of the reason, there are many ways to get started.

How to start Creative Writing?

Some of the greatest literary works happen by chance. So, if you are new to Writing, don’t worry. Creative Writing helps you share new ideas and has many benefits. Right from giving you a perspective of things, getting you a dream job, or enjoying it as a pastime. Since creative Writing is entirely the outcome of your imagination, there is no right or wrong. All that it does is convey meaningful Writing, which grasps the attention of the reader. Despite its benefits, many find it challenging to try a hand at Writing. So how then do we start writing?

how to start creative writing

We have compiled tips below to start your Creative writing journey:

  • Write things down to unlock your imagination
  • Collaborate with others for fun learning and ideas
  • Break up your Writing and editing to simplify the Writing
  • Play with new words and use of language to engage readers
  • Know your purpose of writing to the target audience

What are the concepts of Creative Writing?

Creative Writing demands a variety of concepts. So to create something good, you have to know a collection of elements. These elements must work together effectively to make sense. Writing an excellent description of a place is not the same as creating a character. To create a masterpiece, you must make sense of everything. You must balance and do justice to your Writing. A great story can come apart without a good writing style. But what if you had the power to change that?

concept of writing


1. Unique style of Writing: to have a unique style of writing to express oneself is essential. It would help if you had a natural, clear, and consistent flow to engage the audience. Having clarity in Writing helps writers to avoid muddled language.
2. Characters: when the characters come alive in any writing, it engages the audience. Writing needs to be robust and highly imaginative to bring out the characters.
3. Plot: Most of the plot is written in the first person as if the author was an eye-witness. Or sometimes, in the third person, where the author describes events that happened to others.
4. Visual descriptions: visuals help readers understand the events better that took place. Readers are drawn in more because it helps them to imagine themselves in the character’s shoes. That is the sole purpose of reading.
5. The author’s point of view: on the characters and events in Writing is essential. What was the author talking about, and who?
6. Emotional connect: a good writer leaves the reader wanting more. The trick is to connect them emotionally with the storyline.

Examples of Creative Writing:

Creative Writing isn’t limited to just short stories and poems. It has different genres to suit different situations and personal expressions. Find out which one you would like to try!

example writing
  • Novels
  • Short stories
  • Plays
  • Blogging
  • Personal Essay
  • Articles
  • Scripts
  • Letters
  • Memoirs

Why is Creative Writing important?

Writing is essential to describe the world in an honest and unfiltered manner. Creative Writing uses new writing styles, explores and experiences the sharing of new ideas. These factors help you in becoming a better writer both professionally and in everyday life.

why creative writing

Words are compelling and intense. Stories can move us through powerful Writing. We, as writers, are hungry for more. So the more we write, the stronger we become. Creative writers make the world a better place, whether they write for themselves or others.

Benefits of Creative Writing

1. Creative Writing builds confidence

To write, you must be able to express yourself fully. It is the most effective way to develop a writer’s voice without being constrained. Therefore you will feel at ease in asserting your opinions in Writing. As a result, Creative Writing builds confidence in you by making you think optimistically.

2. Creative Writing improves imagination

When you write creatively, you envision places, characters, and circumstances. So, creative Writing stretches and stimulates your imagination. It makes you think outside the box. It helps you find new ideas and alternatives to old ones. It expands your knowledge and improves your writing skills.

3. Creative Writing fosters empathy

Because writers create fictional characters and situations, they tend to imagine things, personalities, and places. However, those things do not exist in their own lives. Writers express more effectively when they have a deeper understanding of others’ points of view. A creative writer is more sensitive to emotions, allowing him to empathize with others.

4. Creative Writing clarifies thought

Creative Writing improves your thought clarification process. This clarity helps them to share their thoughts and ideas with others. Because they have mastered the skill, they can incorporate the skills into their way of thinking. Whether professionally or in any technical field, writers can assist them in clearing their doubts.

5. Creative Writing is fun

In case you think that Writing is monotonous, you are mistaken. Writing is enjoyable. Whether you are writing new music or a drama, you are creating new worlds and people. You have complete control over your Writing. As a result, when you devote so much of your time to Writing, something beautiful emerges.

Effective Creative Writing apps for students?

Creative writers use a little bit of reality and a lot of imagination. Imagination awakens their creative side. Sometimes it is difficult to write because of a loss of inspiration. But with great tools and apps, you can keep the writers engaged. These tools generate ideas, access accessibility, and share words with visuals. Let us find out some ways for getting ideas flowing and make Writing enjoyable?

writing apps
  • Grammarly
  • Hemingway
  • The brainstormer
  • Outflow
  • Draft

What will I learn in an online creative writing class?

An online course helps you develop your creativity. No matter wherever you are, there are creative writing courses to suit your style. This program introduces you to the four genres of Creative Writing. They are fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. We learn to do screenplays, stage plays, journals, and book writing. It includes all of the tools required for Writing. You will get the techniques and the skills for Writing. These courses will help you to develop characters, stories, and ideas. It will help you figure out what to include and exclude from your Writing.

What are the Creative Writing methods of practice in Nurtem?

Creative writing classes at Nurtem are fun and interactive. Nurtem makes every struggle worth it for those who struggle to write. The classes help create transformative experiences and growth in your Writing. It is never a waste of time to learn the rules of Writing.

why nurtem
  • We practice free Writing with students to draw out some interesting ideas
  • We ask them to break down the story into pieces to understand better
  • We make students understand the story from another point of view
  • We help them build words from random sentences
  • We suggest they read others writing and learn from it
  • We ask them to choose a topic of their own and start writing
  • We ask them to observe people and write on actual-world incidences


Writing requires patience and dedication. Its easy to sit hours at your laptop and have nothing to write. Or to cross out Writing after writing only to get stuck. Although it can be mind-boggling at times, it is worth it. Creative Writing is also therapeutic for many. Writing helps them to work through whatever discomfort they are feeling.

It has been shown to improve mental, emotional, and physical well-being. You will feel satisfied after a completed piece of work. Any Writing brings immense pleasure. But to write creatively brings satisfaction. And creative writing style brings out the best in us. After all, the quality of content will determine the level of success in content marketing.

After all, good content is king!

English Reading for Beginners

English Reading for Beginners

Do you want to become a better reader by improving your reading skills?

“Today a Reader, tomorrow a leader!”

Reading opens up new worlds for your child. It is an essential part of your child’s development. To learn any language, you must be able to read. The more you read, the more the brain absorbs information about how language works. One of the sole purposes of Reading is to expand knowledge and discover oneself. When your child learns to read, it improves their attention, memory, and imagination. Reading helps in expanding vocabulary, improves cognitive development and empathy.

We learn to read as kids, and we Read to learn as adults. Reading can help your child learn English effectively, and it enriches your child to learn various other languages too. Reading is an important skill needed for language learners today. With Reading, we stay up to date with current events and happenings that surround us. Unfortunately, we live in a time where technology is eclipsing the practice of Reading. However, emphasizing the importance of Reading should be encouraged.

What is English Reading?

Reading is like peering into another world via a window. When we read, we use our eyes to receive written information. It’s the act of receiving information in the form of printed or written content. For example, the alphabet, numbers, and pictures. And then, we use our brain to process them and communicate to us. Reading is a receptive skill that allows us to receive or intake information, and it is also a productive skill that helps in receiving and transmitting the information.

Intro 7

Reading is an essential skill in English, and it has many benefits when started early. When children read at a young age, they grow up to be excellent readers. It’s a social activity that strengthens your child’s analytical and thinking skills. Reading helps us to learn different stories from all around the world. Those stories shape us and make us more empathetic as people. It helps us to step into somebody else’s shoes and shows us a new perspective of things. Although Reading is challenging, it gives us access to a wealth of information. You can improve your Reading in several ways. 

How to improve Reading skills?

In our daily lives, we spend a lot of time reading. Whether texts, e-mails, recipes, newspapers, and much more, improving your reading skills and fluency will help you save time. It can also make you enjoy and help you get more out of what you read. Below are some tips on how to improve your reading skills the right way.

Improve 1
  • Note down unfamiliar to develop vocabulary
  • Provide the right kind of books to read
  • Read a lot, and practice makes perfect
  • Read and reread to build fluency
  • Don’t rush and take your time to understand the words
  • Use your imagination and try to picture what you read
  • Have reading goals and reward yourself each time 
  • Summarize what you read at the end 

What is ESL Reading?


English as a second language or ESL is a term used for the study of the English language. Nowadays, the English language has a significant influence on people worldwide. The primary language of the child may not be English. English as a second language is a high-demand subject of instruction and continues to grow. It is growing across schools as a second language, and it is becoming a compulsory language in many schools. ESL is designed to teach young minds and train them to excel in the subject. ESL is for individuals who want to improve Reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

How to teach ESL Reading comprehension for beginners?

Comprehension is extracting meaning from what we read. The process begins before a child can read. They see the text and enjoy the pictures, and they then start to associate the text with the words they hear. To improve comprehension strategies, students need to practice their reading skills.

  • Allow students to read the material again and again
  • Ask them to have discussions about what they read
  • Let students summarize the text and share it with others
  • Give them short stories to read and have them explain
  • Come up with questions and have them cleared

Why is Reading essential?

Reading is beneficial since it expands our minds and provides us with unlimited knowledge. It helps us to keep our minds busy with our thoughts. Unlike other things, books can help us retain our thoughts, feelings, and knowledge. Reading has numerous advantages, including improved mental health and the development of healthy habits. No wonder, Reading is one of the most popular forms of personal leisure. Even though books have been around for a very long time, their relevance has not diminished with time.

benefits 2

Benefits of Reading

We all love books, don’t we? Every book that you read gives you a chance to explore something new. It broadens your perspective and increases your intelligence. It allows you to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. However, The value of Reading extends beyond all these advantages. You will be surprised to learn how Reading books can be beneficial to your health and happiness. Let us explore excellent Reading benefits:

  • Increased vocabulary and knowledge
  • Enhances memory and brain development
  • Improves focus and concentration
  • Broadens your perspective and imagination
  • Improves your writing skills
  • Reduces stress, anxiety, and restlessness
  • Makes you a good listener
  • Makes you feel positive and happy

Ways to prepare children to read at home?

Make sure to take your time before you start reading. Children can start as early as 5-6 years of age. Word recognition is the first thing children learn. They need to focus on the words and build their vocabulary. Slowly they can increase their fluency. Some tips to get your child to read at home are:

  • Word recognition-Read together and understanding the words
  • Follow a schedule- sit down at the same time every day
  • Phonics-Decoding the words and knowing their meaning while reading
  • Please help them to understand the relationship between letters and sounds 
  • Readout loud and read to each other
  • Ask them to choose and pick books at the right level 
  • Brainstorm a lot of stories to read together

Where should I learn Reading?

Nurtem is an online learning platform that offers exceptional Reading classes. Our classes are intended to give students a solid foundation in Reading. We help them to focus on words, phrases, and sentences. We improve their reading skills and help them to gain confidence. Students get practice through seeing and reading books. These pictures and stories are designed to reinforce reading skills taught in classes.

We have excellent online tutors for both children and adults, ranging from academic to non-academic Reading. Easy breezy reading classes that are rather enjoyable. We have a dedicated team of experts available 24/7. We have flexible class timings to suit your schedule. We do have Reading sessions for collaborating activities as well. We also give them a certificate at the end of the course.


If you want students to excel in Reading, then Nurtem is the best choice for your child!

What will you learn in a Reading class?

Extra last 2

Reading classes, in general, will offer different levels for different age groups. With 42 different sounds, children get the tools to read almost every word. They will give importance to phonics. Phonics will help children focus on letter sounds and not just letter names. They will read a lot of stories, poems, and comics. The classes will offer them interactive tasks, stories and songs, and word games. They will emphasize the importance of spoken English.


Reading may appear boring to those who have never truly liked books. But the fact is books are entertaining and also beneficial to your health. Even if you aren’t a voracious reader, give it a try. Read, even if you are feeling stuck and want to give up. Habits take time to form, but it is definitely worth your time. I hope that it sparks a love of reading for your child.

Pick up a book from a library or a store that your child might like to read. Reading back-to-back stories helps children to get fluent. Whatever genre of books you choose to read, enjoy them. You will be surprised how much fun reading can be for you. If you haven’t started reading, you should now. Today is the best day to start reading.

Have a good time reading!

Learn Math through Multiple Ways

Learn Math through Multiple Ways

Trying to figure out effective methods to teach Math for your children? Then, you’ve come to the right place!

Mathematics is a subject which is quite different from others, in terms of both difficulty and usage. Of course, every parent wishes their child to get a good score in Math. But, teaching a child the concepts of mathematics is difficult. This is because every child has his or her own interest and learning style. Some people enjoy math, while others may dislike it or become bored with it.

If your children are one of those who appear to be uninterested in Math, then try educating them with different sets of approaches and strategies. Mathematics can be more informative, entertaining, and achievable for children if it is taught in a different approach.

Some people might not be so sure what the finest approaches are. So, we’ve compiled a list of approaches for children to study math to ease the search hunt. So, keep reading ahead!

What are the multiple ways to learn Math?

1. Math through Music

We all know that learning music helps in developing creativity in children. However, you may not be aware that it also helps in developing mathematical skills in children. From melodic musical themes to catchy pop, Music can overlap with Math in many ways since they have had solid connections for thousands of years and persist.

math music

Besides, Researchers have stated that music and math activate the same portion of the brain in humans. So, why don’t you incorporate music and math in your child’s learning progress? By incorporating music and math, a child can learn the basic concepts of mathematics such as patterns, measuring, combinations, conditions, and more.

Below are some of the facts on how music helps kids to learn math:

1. Basic Math

Numbers are the initial stone steps for kids to proceed further in math. Similarly, beats and rhythms are the basic steps to learn in music.

math music 1

When teaching or learning music, you can notice that musical notes have numerical connections in their beats and rhythms. This paves the way for the kids to learn basic math facts like counting numbers.

2. Mathematical Frequency

Pythagoras – a famous mathematician and a Greek philosopher, discovered that different musical instruments like guitar, violin, or piano produce different sound frequencies by dividing the strings.

He divided the strings and found that the pitch of the string is proportional to the length of the string. So teach your students how sound waves are produced. If you don’t, here it is.

math and music

Longer the string, the shorter the pitch and the shorter the string, the higher the pitch. So, cut the string in half, and teach them how the sound is different from the original. So, by analyzing or measuring the sound waves, you can learn mathematical frequencies.

3. Fraction

Once you feel your children are comfortable learning music and math together, you can move on to complex concepts like fractions.


In your music class, you can find various kinds of musical notes. Pick a musical concept and subdivide its note into four beats. Instruct your students that a quarter of the notes would be one beat, half the note would be two beats, etc. Once they are clear with this concept, please provide them with the fraction form of notes and let them play the music. This may improve a child’s music skills and enhance their math skills.

4. Patterns

The most common relationship or connection between math and music is they both use patterns and rules. Patterns are the essential thing when it comes to music or math. For example, music has sections of songs and repeating choruses as its pattern. Similarly, math has a set of rules as its pattern to explain and predict what comes next. This enhances kids’ reasoning skills and helps them understand mathematical rules.


Music is quite helpful for children, especially in academic subjects like Mathematics. Children who learn academic subjects through music can retain the data better than the kids who learn in a school atmosphere. So, bring a little music to your kid’s education and see how they are brainstorming!

2. Math through Art

Are you a math person or an art person? Do you think creatively or logically? Unfortunately, most of us think Art and Mathematics are two irrelevant subjects. But Math and arts have a long historical relationship from ancient times. For instance: the Egyptian Pyramids and Mosques throughout the globe.

math and art

Why should we learn Math through Art?

  • Build Brainpower
  • Stimulates Mind
  • Improves Math rank
  • Improves visualization

Mathematics and Art are filled with patterns. Hence, we can find many mathematical concepts like scale measurements, shapes, etc. So, how do we integrate art and math?

1. Origami


  • White or Color Paper
  • Scissor

It is a Japanese art form of folding paper into different shapes. Using Origami, a simple paper can be transformed into a 3D object within a few moments. With this method, kids can visualize and learn complex math concepts like geometry, symmetry, and proportions.

2. Drawing


  • Paper
  • Pencil, Marker, Ruler

If your child is a visual learner, drawing will be perfect. They can create artwork with angles, shapes, and more. This helps the child learn the mathematical concepts and spark them with curiosity to learn.

3. Concept visualization

Visual Art: Children can learn certain mathematical numbers like Euler’s Number, Pi, Golden Ration through visual representation.

Dance: Like mathematics, Dance comprises shapes, patterns, and rhythm. So, kids can learn mathematical concepts such as Numbers, Geometry, Angles, Lines, and Positions through their elegant dance performance.


There are many endless activities to learn math through art. However, consider trying out these few activities into your child’s education. It enhances your child’s confidence with a positive opinion on Math.

3. Math through Coding or Programming

Do your kids enjoy coding but are not interested in Math? Then it’s not a big deal.

Every generation of students often struggles to solve a math problem at a certain point. However, as a parent or teacher, you may wonder how to motivate the children to understand and learn math in a better way. Fortunately, there are more creative ways for children to learn math. One of the best ways is “Coding”.

coding 1

Believe it or not, Coding and Math have a deep relationship. Students who learn to code can be good at Math. When a child learns to code, they automatically acquire Mathematical skills as a reward.

As a parent, you might not be sure how coding works. But, here are a few benefits that coding helps children learn Math. So, let’s jump in.

1. Logic and reasoning

One of the most important skills needed to succeed in mathematics and coding is “Logic”.

Math uses more logic and reasoning to solve problems. Some kids develop this skill naturally. However, acquiring logic and reasoning skills will be more challenging for others. This is where Coding or programming comes into play.

logical reasoning

Whether you create a game, software, or animation, everything needs coding with some logic. For instance: consider you are creating a game with unique characters who move in different ways like running, walking, and so on. To encompass these activities, you should anticipate the logic and address it in your code. This will help the coders not just code successfully; it enhances their reasoning and logical skills to solve various math topics like geometry.

2. Develop Problem-Solving Skills

Another crucial skill required for Coding and Math is “Problem Solving”.

We all know Mathematics is full of Problems. Hence, to master math, one should have the ability in solving problems. You can improve this skill by learning to code. How?

problem solving 1

Errors are unavoidable when programming. But the programmer can take care of it. Programmers used to address the errors and experiment with multiple options until resolving them. This consistent approach will help in developing Problem-solving skills. In addition, programming skills can improve the academic abilities of students.

3. Precision or Accuracy


Accuracy is another Mathematical requirement that is essential in solving a problem. Accuracy can be learned from coding. Because in coding, accuracy plays a crucial role, especially when running a program. Even if there is a minor coding error, you may end up with the compiler or run error. So, coders used to be more accurate when it comes to coding.

4. Mathematical Expressions

Coding is incredibly good for Math learners. Through coding, children can learn basic mathematical operations using the following operators.

Arithmetic operators:

Programming languages like C, C++, JAVA come with arithmetic operators to perform mathematical operations like summing up numbers, multiplication, subtraction, dividing, etc.; what are the Arithmetic operators?




+ Addition 11+23
Subtraction 23-19
* Multiplication 12*12
/ Division 144/12
% Remainder 10%3


So, is coding a good source for math learners? Of course, it is. By learning to code, students can enhance the mathematical skills mentioned above. So, why still waste your time in search? Instead, begin teaching your children a better way of thinking and help them to have an enjoyable math experience!

4. Math through Games

What happens if we ask kids to sit down and do math assignments? Many children struggle to get started. Others start working on it, but in the midst or at some point stew in frustration and fail to solve the problem. 

Learning Math doesn’t have to be more serious. Mathematics is unquestionably a challenging subject to grab. But, it shouldn’t be a dreaded subject for children. Hence, one of the possible ways to teach your child mathematics is through “Games”.

math game

Anything learned through games will be retained in kids’ minds for a longer period. So, try including math games to teach the kids the basic concepts of addition, subtraction, geometry, and algebra. 

Below we’ve listed some fun math games to teach your child. ​But, before that, know all the benefits kids can gain through Math games.

Benefits of Math Games:

  • Increase kids’ engagement.
  • Meets mathematical standards.
  • Improves basic math skills
  • Encourage strategic thinking.
  • Encourage parent-kid involvement.
  • Supports concept development in Mathematics.
  • Promotes a positive attitude towards Mathematics.
  • Build confidence and self-efficacy.

Effective Math Games for kids:

1. Go Fish

What you’ll learn: Numbers, Addition.

Requirements: Deck of Playing Cards

Game Play method:

Split the students into teams based on your students count, either individually or in a group. Now, circle in a group and provide 7 cards per team. If there are more than three teams, deal 5 cards to each team and place the leftover cards (faced down) in the circle’s centre.

go fish

Now, in a clockwise sequence, each team gets a turn. You should request a specific rank card from another team if you get the turn. If they have, they should give it to you. If they don’t have one, then he or she should say “Go Fish”. Then you should take a card from the centre, and the game continues. You win the game once you get four cards with the same rank. 

Note: You can modify the rules of the game to learn addition. Example: Provide 2 to 3 cards per player and let them sum up “10” ( like 5&5, 6&4, 2&8, 3&7).

2. Flashlight tag

What you’ll learn: Basic Math Facts.


  • Interactive Whiteboard or
  • Chalkboard.
  • Two Flashlights

Game Play method:

Flashlight tag

Before beginning the game, divide the class into two teams. Now, choose one participant from each team. Next, turn off the lights and ask simple math questions like adding or subtracting numbers. The first student who flashlights and gives the correct answer will win a point for the respective team. However, you can modify the gameplay based on your study needs. 

3. Build shapes

What you’ll learn: Geometry

Requirements: Playdough or toothpick or matchstick or pattern blocks

Game Play method:

build shapes

Teach your child to construct shapes such as cubes, rounds, and prisms using any of the above prerequisites. In addition, kids will be able to acquire geometric forms, angles, and patterns.

4. Dice

Some don’t like to play cards. For those, playing Dice can be an alternative. 

What you’ll learn: Addition, Multiplication.


  • 2 Dices
  • A number board

Game Play method:


It is a board game which can be played either with two or three players. First, each player should roll the two dice and sum up the dots. Then, as per that, they should move forward on the board. The player who first reaches the endpoint will win the game. 

Note: Instead of adding the dots on the dice, you can even multiply them.

5. Guess the number

What you’ll learn: Odd or Even Numbers. Greater than or Less than.

Requirements: Beads or coins or marbles or cards.

Game Play method:

odd or even

Pick any one of the requirements mentioned above and begin the game. For instance, if you have 10 marbles, hold a few in your palm. It shouldn’t be visible to the opponent. Now let them guess the number of marbles you hold. The second player or the opponent can ask a few questions like odd or even, greater than 5 or less than 5. If they guess the right number of marbles, they win a point.


All the listed games work well in both home and classroom settings. Therefore, children can either play them in pairs or groups. So, consider integrating these kinds of games into your child’s education.

How can Technology improve student learning?

How can Technology improve student learning?

Technology has completely altered the way students learn today. It permeates every aspect of their lives today. Many educators see online as a big distraction. Yet, after a year of remote learning during covid-19, the mindset is changing. Today, we hear about the wonderful effects it has on the lives of our children.

Technology can have a huge impact on student learning when used the right way. It introduces students to many tools to help them learn. These tools, apps and devices can increase engagement and better learning. It has the potential to transform what students learn, and teachers teach. As a result, a comprehensive learning method is provided.

Here are some ways in which technology has transformed student learning:

1. Technology encourages self-paced learning

Students learn quickly and in many ways. With traditional learning, the students interact in a similar pattern. Those that have difficulties understanding the concepts lag behind their peers. They can have more adaptable learning experiences thanks to self-paced teaching resources. They can progress at their own pace. Because of the number of choices, they can find what they need.

self paced learing

Yet, it is challenging for teachers to adjust to their needs. Fortunately, the applications and programs come with learning instructions. Teachers will be able to spend more time understanding and interacting with students. It makes it easier for them to tailor to their needs. They can help students access resources and stay up to date. 

2. Technology improves student engagement and communication

Learning may be made better with the use of technology. Students can use a lot of information and knowledge in their projects. Online tools help them to complete assignments on time. It also engages them to ask questions to the teacher. Therefore, the teachers can efficiently teach lessons. This assists in determining the child’s progress.

student engagement

The importance of communication in education cannot be overstated. Communication is the key to the progression of technology. The flow of information has been easy. Teachers offer students assignments and assist them with homework. The students clarify doubts they have about using online tools. The students can also interact with their peers for subject-related queries.

3. Technology offers collaborative learning

It is no longer necessary for students to travel to study. Technology enables open learning methods for sharing between friends or groups. The platforms they use help them to complete notes and share documents. This helps those who are working together on a project.

collaborative learning

Students can make slides together to complete a presentation. They can edit blogs or articles together in docs. They can do their work in whichever way they want, thanks to technology. It could be through a video, website, and much more. 

4. Students are more technology savvy

Technology today has progressed a lot. Students use technology in almost everything. They use apps to get a notification. They complete their assignments, quizzes, or tests online. Technology gives them the flexibility to learn productively. It also helps them to create blogs, websites, play games, and more. 

tech savvy

The students connect with the internet to access their study materials. Access to study resources is no longer limited to classroom learning or a library. They can study online with a friend or do a group study. Technology gives them unlimited options to study. Since every child owns a smartphone, it will make learning easy.

5. Students are better prepared for the future

Today we know how technology has changed the world. It is important to prepare students for the new online world. Students need skills to succeed in life and work. They learn new technical skills to get a job, make a career, etc.


Education is no longer just about learning figures and memorizing facts. It has gone much beyond that. Incorporating technology into the classroom will ensure student progress. Teachers can also assist them in learning and mastering those skills.

Last words

summary 1

Students who learn through digital concepts have better knowledge retention. It also maximizes their learning opportunities. Learning tools not only benefit students and teachers alike. But it also helps parents to feel validated.

While technology helps institutions to push boundaries. It enhances the overall student experience by allowing them to adapt to new learning environments. It not only broadens their thinking but helps them to be more creative. As a result, the students will have a solid impact on their learning. 

After all, technology is here to stay!