Why robotics is a good field to start stem and why you should start it early?

Why robotics is a good field to start stem and why you should start it early?

Robotics represents a captivating and dynamic field within STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) that offers a myriad of opportunities for exploration, innovation, and personal growth. Starting early in robotics not only fosters a deep understanding of technology and engineering principles but also cultivates essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork from a young age. Robotics serves as a perfect entry point into STEM due to its interdisciplinary nature, combining elements of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, and mathematics to create intelligent systems that interact with the physical world.

One of the most compelling reasons to start early in robotics is its hands-on nature, which allows learners to engage directly with technology and see the tangible results of their efforts. From building and programming robots to designing algorithms and troubleshooting hardware, students are actively involved in every stage of the engineering process, gaining invaluable practical experience that enhances their understanding of STEM concepts. By immersing themselves in robotics early on, students develop a strong foundation in fundamental principles such as mechanics, electronics, programming languages, and sensors, setting them on a trajectory for success in more advanced STEM disciplines.

Furthermore, robotics offers a unique platform for fostering creativity and innovation. As students work on projects ranging from designing autonomous vehicles to building robotic arms, they are encouraged to think outside the box, experiment with new ideas, and push the boundaries of what’s possible. Robotics competitions and challenges provide opportunities for students to apply their skills in real-world scenarios, collaborate with peers, and showcase their ingenuity on a global stage. By encouraging exploration and innovation, robotics empowers students to become confident problem-solvers and creative thinkers who are capable of tackling complex challenges and driving technological progress in the future.

Moreover, starting early in robotics lays the groundwork for future career opportunities in STEM fields. In today’s rapidly evolving job market, demand for skilled professionals in robotics and automation continues to grow across industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, and entertainment. By acquiring hands-on experience and technical proficiency in robotics at a young age, students gain a competitive edge in the job market and open doors to a wide range of exciting career paths. Whether they choose to pursue a career as a robotics engineer, software developer, research scientist, or entrepreneur, the skills and knowledge acquired through early exposure to robotics provide a solid foundation for success in any STEM field.

Additionally, robotics fosters collaboration and teamwork, essential skills that are highly valued in today’s interconnected world. In robotics clubs and workshops, students work together in multidisciplinary teams to brainstorm ideas, solve problems, and bring their designs to life. Through collaboration, students learn to communicate effectively, leverage each other’s strengths, and appreciate the diverse perspectives that each team member brings to the table. By fostering a collaborative mindset, robotics not only prepares students for success in STEM careers but also equips them with the interpersonal skills and leadership qualities needed to thrive in any professional setting.

In conclusion, robotics offers a compelling entry point into STEM education that fosters hands-on learning, creativity, innovation, and collaboration. Starting early in robotics provides students with valuable skills, knowledge, and experiences that prepare them for future success in STEM fields and beyond. By engaging with robotics at a young age, students develop a passion for discovery, a curiosity for learning, and a lifelong appreciation for the transformative power of science and technology. Whether they aspire to become engineers, scientists, programmers, or entrepreneurs, the possibilities are endless for those who embark on the exciting journey of robotics early in their educational journey.

Why equal opportunity is important in STEM?

Why equal opportunity is important in STEM?

Equal opportunity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields is not just a matter of fairness; it is a fundamental principle that drives innovation, progress, and societal well-being. Ensuring equal opportunity in STEM is crucial for fostering diversity, maximizing talent utilization, and addressing complex global challenges. At its core, STEM encompasses disciplines that drive technological advancement, scientific discovery, and economic growth, making it imperative that everyone, regardless of background, has equitable access to opportunities within these fields.

Firstly, equal opportunity in STEM promotes diversity of thought and perspective, which is essential for innovation and problem-solving. When individuals from diverse backgrounds, including women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and those from underrepresented communities, are empowered to participate fully in STEM fields, they bring unique viewpoints and experiences to the table. This diversity sparks creativity, encourages critical thinking, and leads to the development of more inclusive and effective solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges, from climate change to healthcare disparities.

Moreover, ensuring equal opportunity in STEM is vital for maximizing talent utilization and tapping into the full potential of the workforce. Talent is distributed evenly across populations, but opportunities are not. By breaking down barriers to entry and creating inclusive environments where individuals of all backgrounds feel welcome and supported, we can unlock a vast reservoir of untapped talent. This not only benefits individuals who are traditionally underrepresented in STEM but also enriches the field as a whole by fostering a culture of excellence and collaboration.

Furthermore, equal opportunity in STEM is essential for promoting social and economic mobility. STEM fields offer pathways to high-paying jobs, career advancement, and leadership opportunities. By expanding access to quality education, mentorship programs, and professional development initiatives, we can empower individuals from underserved communities to pursue careers in STEM and break the cycle of poverty. This not only benefits individuals and their families but also strengthens the economy by creating a more skilled and diverse workforce capable of driving innovation and driving technological progress.

Additionally, equal opportunity in STEM is critical for addressing systemic inequities and promoting social justice. Historically, women, minorities, and other marginalized groups have faced discrimination and barriers to entry in STEM fields, perpetuating disparities in access to resources, opportunities, and representation. By actively promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, we can dismantle these barriers and create a more equitable playing field where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive and succeed based on their merit and abilities rather than their gender, race, neurotypicality or socioeconomic status.

In conclusion, equal opportunity in STEM is not just a moral imperative; it is essential for building a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable future for all. By promoting diversity, maximizing talent utilization, promoting social and economic mobility, and addressing systemic inequities, we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to pursue their passions, fulfill their potential, and contribute to the advancement of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Only by working together to remove barriers and create inclusive environments can we unleash the full power of human ingenuity and innovation to solve the complex challenges facing our planet and build a better tomorrow for generations to come.

What is STEM and why is it important in modern society?

What is STEM and why is it important in modern society?

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, representing not just a collection of academic disciplines, but a holistic approach to understanding, engaging with, and shaping the world around us. At its core, STEM education emphasizes inquiry-based learning, problem-solving, critical thinking, and hands-on exploration to equip learners with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an increasingly complex and interconnected global society. STEM education transcends traditional boundaries, integrating concepts and methodologies from diverse fields to foster innovation, creativity, and collaboration.

Science forms the foundation of STEM, encompassing the systematic study of the natural world and the principles governing its behavior. Through scientific inquiry, observation, experimentation, and analysis, students develop a deep appreciation for the processes of discovery and the role of evidence in shaping our understanding of the universe. Science education not only instills curiosity and wonder but also cultivates a scientific mindset characterized by skepticism, objectivity, and a commitment to evidence-based reasoning.

Technology plays a pivotal role in STEM education, empowering learners to harness the power of innovation and digital tools to solve problems, streamline processes, and enhance communication and collaboration. From coding and programming to robotics and digital design, technology enables students to develop computational thinking skills and fluency in emerging technologies that are increasingly shaping the way we work, live, and interact with the world. By mastering technology, students gain the confidence and competence to adapt to technological advancements and become active participants in the digital age.

Engineering bridges the gap between theory and practice, challenging students to apply scientific principles and mathematical concepts to design, create, and optimize solutions to real-world problems. Through engineering design processes such as problem identification, brainstorming, prototyping, testing, and iteration, students learn to think like engineers, approaching challenges with creativity, ingenuity, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Engineering education not only fosters innovation and entrepreneurship but also instills resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset essential for navigating complex and uncertain environments.

Mathematics serves as the language of STEM, providing the analytical tools and logical frameworks needed to model, quantify, and understand the patterns and relationships inherent in the natural world. From algebra and geometry to calculus and statistics, mathematics permeates every aspect of STEM education, providing a common language and toolkit for problem-solving across disciplines. By mastering mathematical concepts and problem-solving strategies, students develop the critical thinking skills, quantitative reasoning abilities, and mathematical fluency necessary to excel in STEM fields and make informed decisions in their personal and professional lives.

The importance of STEM education extends far beyond the classroom, shaping the future of our society, economy, and global competitiveness. In an increasingly technology-driven world, STEM literacy is no longer a luxury but a necessity, empowering individuals to navigate the complexities of the modern world, adapt to rapid technological change, and participate meaningfully in civic life. STEM skills are in high demand across a wide range of industries, from healthcare and manufacturing to finance and entertainment, driving innovation, economic growth, and job creation in the digital age.

Moreover, STEM education fosters a culture of innovation, diversity, and inclusion, empowering individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue their passions, fulfill their potential, and contribute to the advancement of science and technology. By promoting equity and access to quality STEM education for all learners, regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic status, or geographic location, we can unlock untapped talent, bridge opportunity gaps, and build a more inclusive and equitable society where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

In conclusion, STEM education is not just about preparing students for future careers; it’s about empowering them to become critical thinkers, lifelong learners, and active participants in an increasingly interconnected and rapidly changing world. By fostering curiosity, creativity, and a passion for discovery, STEM education ignites the spark of innovation, inspires the next generation of scientists, engineers, and leaders, and equips individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle the grand challenges facing humanity and create a brighter future for all.

Why is health education important for children?

Why is health education important for children?

Kids are the future of the nation. The importance of educating them about health and well-being cannot be overstated.

In today’s world, millions of children suffer from various diseases because of a lack of awareness and proper medication at an early age. Every year, thousands of kids die due to poor health conditions and a lack of funds to live a long and healthy life. Lack of nutrition is one of the leading causes of numerous fatal diseases like infection, coughs, and fevers.

Children’s health education focuses on many issues, including proper and clean hand washing, mouth washing, bathing, and much more. There are other reasons as well. Here are a few of them for your better understanding. Before that, know what Health Education is in short.

What is Health Education?

Health education aims to educate individuals and communities about living a healthier lifestyle. Health education professionals integrate biological, environmental, psychological, and medical sciences knowledge to implement, develop, and evaluate programs designed to keep people healthy.

Why is Health Education important for children?

Now you need to understand why it is so essential. Different parts of the world have different aspects to focus on in schools. Nonetheless, health education is essential. There are several reasons students need health education in school, such as those listed below.

1. Builds Positive Attitudes and Knowledge

Through health education, children learn how to make healthy choices. As a result, young minds develop positive behaviors and attitudes. In health education, equality and sexuality education will help develop communication and behavior skills in a community.

2. Improves Physical, Social, Mental, and Emotional Health

Nowadays, drugs are causing havoc on both mental and physical health. Many people rely on effective drugs for their health. But did you know that health education plays a counterbalance in our lives? It shapes us with a normative safety culture, moderation, and decision-making. Educating people about how certain drugs and alcohol affect the mind and body can prevent addictions. Additionally, it can raise awareness of the dangers of substances like abuse.

3. Motivates to maintain a good health

Health education impacts many areas of wellness, including:

  • Maternal and Infant Health Education
  • Chronic Disease Awareness
  • Tobacco use & Substance Abuse Prevention
  • Violence and Injury Prevention
  • Mental and Physical Behavioral Health
  • Nutrition, Obesity, and Exercise Prevention
  • Risky behaviors

Also, health education leads to accurate knowledge and skills of self-advocacy. Further, it enhances our effective habits and cognitive ability.

4. Improves learning and cognition

First of all, health education teaches children specific health-related skills. The second benefit is that it provides skills such as decision-making and critical thinking, as well as the ability to make healthy choices.

Now that you’ve known what its benefits are, what is the goal of school health education.

Goals for School Health Education

School curricula that include health education emphasize certain things. As a result, the students of this school are more aware of their health. All kinds of health are understood by them, as well as how to stay healthy. The focus of such schools is on.

  • Self-care and caring for others
  • Taking charge of life’s circumstances and making healthy decisions
  • Creating health-promoting conditions
    Build capacity in the areas of peace, shelter, education, food, income, a stable ecosystem, equitable distribution of wealth, and social justice
  • Preventing diseases and disabilities caused by helminths, tobacco use, HIV/ AIDS/ STDs, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol and drugs, violence, and poor nutrition.
  • Behaviors that influence health
  • Make students aware of Health needs and Problems. By teaching correct health concepts and behavioral patterns, students can make the best possible choices for their optimum health and well-being.
  • Improves family and school environment – Increase the role of students in delivering health messages to the community and promoting national health programs that the country may be launching at the time.

Strategies to teach Health education

  • Participation of kids
  • Planned learning activities to increase participants’ knowledge and skills
  • Implementation of health education programs with integrated and planned curricula and materials based on the convenience of the participants.
  • Presenting the information with computer-based audio-visual supports includes slides, projectors, videos, CDs, pictures, etc.
  • Proficiency of staff through training.
  • Completion of assessments.


The curriculum of each school must be prioritized in certain areas. Choose wisely and live a healthy life!

Why Learn Geometry

Why Learn Geometry

Geometry is all about Shapes, Spaces, and Sizes!

Many kids struggle with math, especially Geometry. But do you know why geometry is essential in everyone’s life?

Have you ever noticed that we are surrounded by Geometry? From ancient Egypt Pyramids to today’s construction, everything has Geometry. In other words, we are all surrounded by shapes and spaces in our everyday life.

Learning Geometry will help the kids improve problem-solving skills, logic, deductive reading, etc. Also, they provide many other benefits. Here are a few for your better understanding.

But before we land on the topic, here we briefly explain geometry.

What is Geometry?

what is geometry

One of the classical disciplines of math is geometry. It is a Greek term roughly translated as “Earth Measurement” and is concerned with figures and space.

The study of geometry primarily concerns shapes, sizes, and spaces. It is popular with students in junior and senior high school. It improves not only math skills but also reasoning and problem-solving abilities. Therefore, it is essential to study and understand the basics of geometry.

Branches of Geometry

branches of Geometry

There are various divisions within geometry. Plane geometry and solid geometry are the two major subdivisions of geometry. In plane geometry, points, lines, and planes such as squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles are studied. In contrast, solid geometry involves complex calculations such as perimeter, area, and volume. Calculation of arc lengths and circle radii also is classified under solid geometry.

Why learn Geometry?

Geometry is often viewed as a useless lesson in Math by many students. No, it’s not. When we explain geometry’s importance, they’ll begin to see how it applies to our everyday lives. Also, let them know what Geometry will teach them. The following are a few things you’ll learn from geometry:

why geometry

Numbers and Measurements

To use shapes and sizes successfully in everyday life, we need to understand their relationship and apply it to our everyday lives. Geometry will help us accomplish this. It provides knowledge of how to measure and relate lines, angles, surfaces, and solids.

Spatial Thinking

A child’s understanding of spatial relationships is essential, even when they are very young. Using geometry in the classroom helps students connect learning about direction and place to real-life situations. Through this, they can learn how to estimate a room’s size, how far away a desk is, or how to move from place to place.

Visual Ability

Some kids think in sizes and shapes, whereas others think with Visual ability. This is why kids need to understand geometry. By learning geometry, they can learn how to imagine things in a bigger and better picture.

3D Thinking

Probably, kids don’t understand 2 Dimension and 3 Dimension without the knowledge of Geometry. Some concepts in Geometry can only be understood if you know of them. For instance, X, Y, or Z axes, Pyramids, Triangles, etc.

Thinking Skills

If you learn how to use geometry, then you’ll learn to think logically. Logical thinking skills are one of the significant factors everybody should have in life. Alongside this, when thinking logically, you might be able to solve complex problems without any difficulty.

So, I guess you got some idea of what you’ll learn through Geometry in your life. But does it apply in our daily life for real? Yes, it does.

Here are some of the fields that use Geometry. Here we go:



Nature is a gift for humanity. We can explore a lot from it.

In nature, we can find geometrical shapes in many things like leaves, stems, flowers, etc. For example, the Beehive is one of the best examples. Bees used to build their home in a hexagon shapes. Has anyone taught them Geometry?


The study of art requires the knowledge of different shapes and figures. It includes 2D and 3D shapes, patterns, and measurements. It is also important to note that the shapes of frames have an impact on the content of the painting. In paintings, perspective refers to the display of a 3D figure in 2D space. As a result, geometry plays a vital role in art.


Architecture uses mathematics for several reasons, just like other art forms. That’s why architects use geometry to define the spatial form of a building through shape, height, and structure. In other words, the blueprint for the construction project.

Technical Use

Geometry is also used in robotics, computers, and video games. The concept of geometry is helpful for both computer and video game programmers.

Various audiovisual presentations, including education and entertainment, use geometry as part of their art and creativity. Computer graphics are prominent applications of geometry in our daily lives. Electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, computers, and tablets use geometric principles. Also games like Minecraft, geometry was used to determine how distant objects relate to the shapes we build.


The study of geometry would be a fundamental discipline for children aspiring to become astronauts or astronomers. Astronomers use geometric shapes to understand the location of planets, the solar system, and stars. We live on a spherical planet. The orbits are oval-shaped. In astronomy, geometrical principles and equipment are essential. It plays a crucial role in many astronomical calculations and discoveries. Furthermore, it measures celestial bodies’ velocity, area, volume, and length.

Bottom lines

As children study shapes, they learn many skills that can be applied outside of mathematics, ultimately what we want them to master. So, if your kid is the one who struggles to learn Geometry, hire the best tutor for them. At Nurtem, you can find many tutors with different teaching strategies based on your kids’ needs. Go and Sign Up Now!

How to prevent students from being distracted by the smartphones

How to prevent students from being distracted by the smartphones

From infants to old age, everyone is addicted to smartphones today. Though they are more beneficial for our life, it is one of the most significant drawbacks for students or workers while performing a task. Do you agree with that?

Only a very few students don’t have mobile phones today. Others always played games, watched movies, listened to music, etc. Due to the intense use of mobile phones, many students fail to focus on their learning. That’s why I mentioned smartphones are the biggest drawback for students. This is because they easily get distracted from learning.

Is your kid one of the kids who are distracted by smartphones when learning? So, how do you protect your child? Don’t stress.

Today we’re here to discuss some top tips to prevent students from being distracted by smartphones. Read ahead and prevent your child from being distracted.

Tips to prevent students from being distracted by Smartphones

1. Turn off Mobile Notifications

One of the simple ways to have control in your hand is to turn off the notifications for your instant messaging, social media applications, and email. Because while learning on mobile, notifications are the biggest enemy that distracts the students with just an alert tone. Whatever work you are dealing with, if your phone buzzes or makes a noise, you can quickly grab your attention without any doubt.

So, if you are not expecting any call or message, turn off the pop-ups and notifications on your mobile. This helps your child to focus on their learning without any disturbance.

2. Reduce Screen time

If you feel your kid lacks self-control, provide extra assistance and restrict their screen time.

Some students may not sleep at night due to mobile usage. If yours is the same kind, I suggest you have a screentime application on the smartphone. Screentime is an application that helps reduce your kids’ screen usage. Guess how?

Screentime measures how much time or hours your kid spends on the phone. Also, with this app, you can learn which application is consuming more time for your kids. This will give you valuable insight into your kid in-depth.

Furthermore, you can limit screen time by scheduling. For instance, if you find your kids are wasting more time on social media, then modify it to 30 minutes of usage per day. This way, you can be stress-free and prevent your kids from being distracted.

3. Focus of studies

It is always impossible for the kids to stay focused on their studies for more than an hour. Hence, plan their learning hours. For example, stay with your kids and let them study for an hour without distractions. Then give them about a 20 minutes break to get a coffee or snack. After break time, again, let your kid study. Practice this process twice a day. Based on the workload, you can plan further.

According to the studies, it is stated that this learning method can help the brain to absorb more knowledge.

4. Remove specific application

If you find your kid wasting more time on specific applications, uninstall them. Kids may not accept it easily. But for their good, it is required. If you delete those applications, children will be able to focus on their learning and get good grades.

5. Wake your kid early

You may wonder how waking up early in the morning helps eliminate mobile distractions. But it does. Wake your kid early and let them do some physical activities like Yoga or workouts. This will help them to stay relaxed and focused when learning. However, it not only allows you to stay focused, but it will also lead your kid to a healthy habit in life.

6. Provide your phone

If your kids require a mobile phone for learning, provide yours by hiding specific applications like games. Technology is not a hindrance to students. So, offer it without hesitation, especially if they struggle to do complex assignments.

7. Don’t let them have their phone always

For decades, many people have not moved out without their phones. Even some are not leaving their phone for a second. Always held it in their hands as if it were like a part of their soul. To come out of the box, do not have a phone for a required period.

Take your kid for a walk without having a phone. When grouping with friends and family, place all the smartphones together and have fun or learn together.

8. Replacement activity

Identify replacement activities if your kids distract from learning. Some of the replacement activities to get rid of mobile distractions are:

  • Pick a book and let them read
  • Provide tasks like cleaning rooms
  • Exercising
  • Take a walk in a park
  • Learn a new language
  • Journal
  • Plan for a trip
  • Sign up for a course

9. Coordinate with your child

In this rushing world, parents are pretty busy in their lives and fail to spend time with their kids. Therefore, they became alone and used to be a mobile addict. If you are one of those parents, I suggest you spend time with your kids. During your holidays, try to play games with your child. Or, when they are learning, encourage your child to read, write, paint, etc. This will prevent your kids from being distracted by mobile phones.

10. Set an example

Kids always learn many things from their parents. So, don’t use mobile phones when you are with your kid. If you use it in front of them, then they won’t obey your orders when using their smartphone. So, limit your smartphone usage by being a good role model for your child. It will be very effective in their career.


No one knows your child better than you. So, always do the right things for your child, especially regarding their education. Try following the tips mentioned above and help your kids get good academic grades.