What is the best way to get kids interested in Science and technology?

science and technology

Want your kids to have a natural curiosity about Science and technology?

In today’s world, children have fewer opportunities to connect with nature and to produce something worthwhile. We need to constantly look for ways to support them in Science and technology. Parents’ attitude and support highly influence a child’s attitude towards education as we know that every child is born with a natural curiosity. If not met with the proper learning, they tend to lose focus quickly. We as parents should teach our kids to use tech wisely and responsibly. Help stress the importance of science and technology in our daily lives. Once our kids figure out ways to learn, they can become tech-savvy and awesome digital and Science citizens.

It is a big challenge today for parents to make their children love Science and technology. The decline in the ability of critical thinking and to develop real things go hand-in-hand. Young minds tend to see Science and technology as just mere facts. There is much more to these than what meets the eye. Focusing on the fact that there are many opportunities for them in this field. Like if you get your child interested in STEM- Science, technology, engineering, and math, nothing like it. Also, discussing career opportunities in Science and technology can help them feel eager about a brighter future. 

Listed below are some ways that will nurture the kid’s interest in Science and technology:

Explore new ideas and challenges

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Science and technology are everywhere. Children learn and pick things up rather quickly. They like to try new ideas and challenge old ones, and it doesn’t happen overnight. As parents, we need to provide them with safe, exciting learning experiences in a supportive environment.  

Ask them questions related to Science and computers. For example, why does the moon revolve around the earth? How does the computer function? From where does the Internet come from? Instead of answering them yourself, ask them why. Try to give examples, create an atmosphere to make them fall in love with the subjects. Incorporate learning through activities.

Create fun and exciting activities at home

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  • Involve your child in these activities by asking questions.
  • Let them play with things that intrigue them. For example, turn your kitchen into a laboratory.
  • Let them mix wheat flour and water to make a dough.
  • Try mixing baking soda with vinegar and show them the froth.


Involve them with everyday activities that use some science and technology. Tell them to video chat with a faraway relative. See videos and do DIYs with them. You can use play dough to make a phone or a computer. You can also teach them coding and watch them make mistakes.

Accessing the right books and games

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Children love to play and learn. The right kind of books and toys can help parents spark children’s love of technology. And today, thankfully, we have a world full of options available. Subscribe to magazines that include information about Science, technology, engineering, and math. Video games can also help them to understand the subject.

Parents can give opportunity for kids to make it so much more by connecting it to life. For example, help them discover outdoor games in the garden. Please encourage them to observe wildlife, insects, etc. You can play with flashcards to help them identify phone parts, computer parts, and others. Maybe you can plant something in your garden and wait for it to grow.

Be supportive and encouraging

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The best way to help them develop a love for the subjects is by being with them 100%.  Do an Experiment every week and talk about its fun facts. Be supportive even when your child is weak in that area. Constantly give them the support that they look for. If you are a busy person, take some time for the kids.        

Parents can talk about their growing up years, where they were less demanding and more imaginative. Give them unstructured time to help them discover their love for the subject. Be prepared to listen to them when they have questions. Please talk about the positive effects and help foster their curiosity.


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Many people have a false impression that Science is boring as a subject. Show them that it isn’t true. Remind your kids that technology is for everyone, not only for brainiacs. It can even better their grades eventually. They need encouragement and nudges throughout. It takes months of hard work to see the results. 

In short, you have the power to shape your kid’s future. So, go and exercise it wisely! 

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