How to do difficult Physics Assignment?

How to do difficult Physics Assignment?

Is physics difficult?

The truth is physics is one of the most challenging subjects for many students. Because it requires a conceptual understanding of physics, math, and mechanical applications. That’s the reason why many students seek help completing their physics assignments.

Do you have a child who struggles with physics? Seeking a solution to assist them. No worries. We’re here to help you. Let’s figure out why Physics is difficult and how students can get help with their physics homework.

Hold on! We should first understand why kids struggle to study physics. It allows us to understand the kids better and help them further.

Why is Physics Hard?

Physics is one of those subjects that many people avoid until the last minute because it is so complicated. Even after spending long hours, many students struggle to comprehend formulas and solve numerical problems. Due to this, many parents wonder, “why is physics so difficult for my children?”

No matter what the subject is, if it is studied correctly, everything will be easy. A strong background in mathematics and science is required to understand physics. Even so, it is not impossible to grasp. It is important to remember that lack of confidence in anything stems from a feeling of unfamiliarity. Thus, to build confidence in physics, learn, practice, and nurture your curiosity.

Also, it involves other reasons why kids struggle with Physics. Here are some common reasons:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Theoretical principles and experimental results
  • Strong base in Math
  • A clear understanding of laws
  • Problem-solving skills

Now, let’s learn how to help the kids with complex Physics assignments.

How to do a Difficult Physics Assignment?

1. Don’t skip the Classes

To succeed in physics assignments, attend lessons regularly! A specialist can explain the information to you in a clear and concise manner, so take advantage of this opportunity. Students will be provided with study materials to assist them in solving complex physics assignments during the lectures. Attend your classes instead of skipping them.

2. Read the Question Carefully

You should pay attention and read the question when you are asked to do physics assignments or problems, mainly if it’s challenging and time-consuming. If you don’t, you’re likely to misread the question and solve someone else’s problem! If this isn’t what you want, read the question correctly.

3. Ask teachers for help

When your teacher is aware of gaps in your knowledge, they are unlikely to refuse to give you more support classes. Ask your physics teacher what you don’t understand and what you are struggling with. You may be able to handle your homework with the help of them.

4. Watch online lecturing videos

You can complete your problematic physics assignment by watching online lectures. Online lectures cover essential and complex topics in an easy-to-understand manner. So, if you feel you are missing out on a specific topic in Physics, you can search for a video lecture online. This will help you overcome the hard part while doing physics assignments.

5. Seek help from Seniors

Students who have already studied the topics you are struggling with have already walked in your shoes. Get in touch with them and ask for help. If you ask them, they may be able to share notes, life hacks, valuable books, or even help you solve a problem.

6. Get addon sources

As students progress through their curriculum, they can develop the habit of studying and completing assignments. However, sometimes you need additional resources to excel.

By taking a step forward, you should address questions that aren’t outlined in the curriculum. There are various sources to choose from online for help, including websites, videos, forums, and more. In this way, you can practice solving physics problems. As a result, it led you down the path to completing the Physics assignment.

In addition, many bloggers now publish content related to studying. Expanding your knowledge through the internet will make it easier for you to complete your homework more efficiently later on. It’s just a matter of seizing this opportunity.

7. Practice a lot

Solving physics problems, such as algebra, programming, and other sciences, requires skill. Hence, students need to practice physics problems frequently. When you are having difficulty doing this, you need to understand what is holding you back.

Once several tasks have been completed, students become proficient problem solvers. The more you practice, the better you will become at conceptualizing and learning!

8. Hire a Physics tutor for help

In some classes, the teacher can’t explain the material thoroughly and promptly. For students who have missed a certain number of lessons, the topic can be explored independently. In addition, students who fall behind are not given enough attention. For children, this might make Physics assignments seem difficult.

Hiring a Physics tutor is the right solution to this problem. Hiring a tutor will assess the student’s abilities and basic knowledge of Physics. Because this helps the tutor to develop a personalized program tailored to their learning objectives. Furthermore, they select the most effective teaching method based on kids’ learning abilities.

However, there are other benefits of hiring a Physics tutor, which is listed below:

  • Teaching according to the needs of the student
  • A reliable pedagogical control system
  • Explanation and understanding of the material
  • Providing students with quality educational materials
  • Can gain practical knowledge through experiments

In addition to assisting with your homework, Physics tutors can teach you how to solve problems independently.

9. Away from distraction

If you are constantly distracted while studying, staying focused and paying attention can be challenging. If you are working on a physics assignment, find a quiet place free of distractions to achieve your best results.

For some people, working in absolute silence is the best option. Other people prefer background noise or music to cope with their stress. So, do whatever to focus on your assignment.


In Physics, the information above can be more impactful than without resting. Because it will be easier for you to understand physics and deal with the assignments if you follow these tips. Taking physics seriously requires a clear and open mind, but applying these strategies can help you succeed. Good Luck!

Tips to do Science Homework easy way

Tips to do Science Homework easy way

Science may not always be a piece of cake for students when they have to complete difficult assignments. Fortunately, there are many ways to tackle science assignments. If you are aware of the right method, it is good for you to go with the assignments. If not, don’t worry; we’re here to help.

This blog explains how to do science homework without difficulty. Now let’s get into the blog.

How to Do Science Homework without any Difficulty?

Despite all your efforts, your child is still struggling to complete science assignments. What’s the reason? It is not just your child who is suffering. The majority of kids are in the same boat.

The most common parental behavior is to play the role of a cop and make their kids finish their homework. Unfortunately, this strategy fails after a few days. The good news is that you don’t need to worry anymore. The following tips will help you and your child complete their science homework without compromising the quality of work. Shall we move in?

science assignment

Tips to Do Science Homework Easy Way

1. Revisit and Revise the topic

Your kids’ homework will be based on what they have already learned in class. Thus, your textbook or class notes already include the answers and formula for your assignment. Therefore, it would be wise to revisit the topic in your child’s notes.

The process of revising will refresh your mind with new ideas for the assignment. You can, however, use alternative study materials through other resources if your kid still struggles. The reason is that some study materials can help you understand the topic and help you complete your homework.

2. Find Study Materials

Your homework will be easier if you thoroughly understand the topic. Additional materials will be helpful when you cannot understand the topics using the class books. Today, everything is accessible due to the advancement of education. So why not use alternative study materials?

The problem is that many people don’t know where to find alternative study materials. It’s quite simple. Pick up a book by a different author or watch videos online. If you couldn’t find what you were looking for, search the Internet. Everything is available on the Internet for everyone.

3. Schedule a Right Time to Complete Homework

Many kids choose their pre-bedtime to do their homework. Else, they use their playtime to do so. However, both are not encouraged. Have you ever checked whether your kids’ minds are fresh enough to handle their work after schooling? First, make sure your kid is relaxing after school time. This will help them to stay on track without any distractions during their study hours at home.

Additionally, by creating a schedule, you can devote some time to your children’s science work. Ensure the format is used throughout your child’s educational journey for the best results.

4. Homework applications

Numerous applications are available on the Internet to assist with Science homework. The use of such homework apps makes the process of completing assignments easier and faster. With the applications, you can increase your accuracy and boost your grades.

To complete your science homework, look for the best online application. There are many applications designed for specific subjects. For instance, you will find biology, chemistry, physics, or math apps. Sometimes, one application comes with multiple features covering all subjects.

Unfortunately, some applications are not reliable. Ensure that the app will meet your expectations by checking reviews by other students who have used it. Having a good app ensures that you will have an enjoyable time doing your homework.

5. Hire a person for Homework Help

There are many Online homework services available on the Internet. They can complete the assignment on your behalf. You can find one either as a freelancer or from homework help websites. They’ll take care of your homework and relieve you of the burden if you hire them.

Hire highly qualified, experienced, and specialized helpers. By reading reviews, you can choose the best assistant for you. A homework helper can make your home time more relaxing and enjoyable.

6. Collaborate with your child to Build their Confidence

Kids may feel like they aren’t smart enough when they don’t understand a concept immediately.

Put an end to negative thinking by tackling the first problem with your child. This way, they should be able to recall the rest of the information. Give them praise: “You did a great job!”. This will encourage them to try the next one.

7. Change their learning Environment

Children’s motivation can sometimes be boosted by simply changing up their workspace. If your child has been working at a place with more distractions, a desk or study nook may be the best choice. For instance, how about doing your child’s homework in the kitchen while you prepare dinner? Is it a wise choice?

Definitely NO! If they were working in a high-traffic area of the house, they might prefer a more private space as an alternative.

8. Restrict the Gadget Usage

Switching off all the gadgets is one of the most effective tips for completing science homework. Before helping your child with homework, unplug all devices such as phones, tablets, TVs, and laptops. Leaving all the gear in a separate room will allow your child to concentrate on studies without being distracted by technology.

9. Give Positive feedback

Giving them positive feedback is another strategy for doing science homework. Our children always want to do their best at work and expect compliments more often than we realize. You can give them positive feedback and let them know they are doing well.

Use phrases like “Ah! You are awesome at writing. Good job!”; “Wow! You were able to spell the words correctly; that’s great. Why don’t you keep learning new words and using them?”

Wrap Up

You will be able to complete your science homework without a struggle if you believe that you can. Our tips will help you do your science homework without fear or frustration. Even the most learned scientists struggled to comprehend a basic concept. So, don’t hesitate; just give it a shot!

Why Learning Biology is Important?

Why Learning Biology is Important?

Science is mysterious!

Have you ever wondered how humans breathe? If so, you should have a thorough understanding of biological science. Because: biological science is all around us. We are all just a part of biology!

Life depends on biology. Hence, we can’t survive in this world without biological science. However, many kids and parents are unaware that biology is more influential in our life. Thus, we’ve decided to share a few of the top reasons why learning biology is so valuable.

Let’s move in together, shall we? Don’t rush. Let me clarify what biology is before we move on.

Note: If you are familiar with biological science, you can skip the following definition session.

What is Biology?

The word biology comes from the Greek words “bios & logos,” which means “life & study.” That is, biological science is the study of life and living organisms. In other words, it is the study of evolution, physical structure, chemical processes, cellular interactions, etc.

Biological sciences include a wide range of disciplines, such as:

  • Ecology
  • Zoology
  • Biotechnology
  • Genetics
  • Oncology
  • Aerobiology
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biomedical Science
  • Molecular biology
  • Hematology

Likewise, it includes other sciences such as physics, chemistry, and mathematics to comprehend some complex realities. That’s why we say biology can be found everywhere.

Now let us get back to our topic, “why learning biology is important?”

Why learn biology?

Students who study biology gain more benefits in their lives. We have listed a few benefits for you to understand better. Let’s take a look at them:

1. Learn about the changes in Human Body

human body

Scientifically, Humans are Homo Sapiens. We all have similar characteristics to Apes. But in terms of body and language, we are more developed. Thus, Humans are the evolved form of animals. Our bodies are difficult to comprehend. But, experts in biological science can determine the cause of the sudden changes in human bodies.

For example, when a child grows up, they undergo physical changes in appearance.This could be an indication of hormone release.

2. Learn about Plants

Plants and trees are essential to our daily lives, don’t you agree? Plants and trees serve as a host for humans to breathe. In addition, they keep our planet healthy by reducing pollution. How great, right?


Biology will be more beneficial for your kid if they love plants. In the same way, a botanist can learn how to grow plants properly by learning biology.

3. Knowledgeable about diseases

Microbes cause several diseases. Some diseases, however, are not very dangerous. Some may lead to pandemic situations that cause millions of deaths and illnesses. COVID-19 is a good example.


Even diseases can infect domesticated pets and wild animals. The only way to get rid of these microbes is to study their external and internal structures and learn how to kill them without harming humans or animals. If you are fond of learning biology, you can learn in-depth about bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.

4. Helps to treat the diseases

treat disease

In today’s world, modern medicine and biological science have an extremely close relationship. Drugs play a crucial role in modern medicine, which is why pharmacology is important: it covers a wide range of research activities to produce medications. Also provides an understanding of different diseases, their causes, and their effects on the human body.

Hence, if you are good at biology, you can become a scientist, predict diseases, and treat them.

5. Knowledge about the Earth & Evolution


Learning the history of biology will give you a better understanding of how evolution on Earth has taken place over time. Understanding evolution, we can better understand how the human body adapts to climate change. In addition, plants and animals provide us with many daily needs. Furthermore, every one of us relies directly or indirectly on the lives of the Earth.

These are only a few of the many benefits of learning biology. Besides the benefits, there are other compelling reasons to study Biology. Guess what?

The study of biology offers numerous skills, application areas, and scopes, but what are they? Below we’ve detailed the skills that can be obtained by learning biology. In addition, we’ve discussed the scopes and areas of application of biology. Here we go.

What skills do you learn from biology?

  • Analytical skills – Reasoning logically, Examining Problems, Ability to categorize, Organize ideas, and more.
  • Investigative skills – Identify problems, assess risks, inspect specimens.
  • Research skill – Design experiments, use laboratory equipment, conduct studies, observe, interpret, and predict the outcome.
  • Communication skills – Writing, contributing to a team, explaining complex problems, and providing creative ideas.

Scopes of Biology

Wondering what scopes biology offers? Here it is:

  • The Medical field includes Nursing, Doctor, Pharmacology, and a Researcher or Biologist.
  • Teaching professions include Professor or Lecturer
  • Agriculture
  • Genetic Engineering

Application of Biology

  • Agriculture – It is essential for both humans and animals. By learning biology, farmers can study nature and its occurrence to increase their crops’ yield.
  • Healthcare – By combining biology and chemistry, healthcare professionals can diagnose, control, and treat diseases.
  • Industrial growth – Industries of ivory, fishing, silk, and pearl have been developed through the knowledge of biology. Example: Natural silk production (sericulture) and Fish Farming (pisciculture).
  • Justice – In most crime scenes, suspects leave evidence like fingerprints, hair, blood, and skin. Using them, investigators can determine a criminal’s genotype.
  • Food industry – Food is like fuel to the Human body. It either comes from plants or animals. Technological advancements have led to the use of biological components in many food products. Example: Milk, Honey, etc.

Bottom lines

I have outlined only a few powerful factors why studying biology is important. You have plenty of benefits to make a great career in your life. So, pursue biology and achieve great success in your life!

10 Fun learning activities for preschoolers

10 Fun learning activities for preschoolers

Preschoolers: Is your child one? Interested in teaching them to learn? School isn’t the only place where kids can excel. The only teacher they have at home is you. However, everything doesn’t have to be like a classroom lesson. As preschoolers, they enjoy playing and discovering new things. Why not use their playing habits as a teaching tool?

You don’t get it, do you? Make their playtime productive by engaging them in effective learning activities. This will enhance your kids’ learning skills and knowledge. So how do we know which learning activities are most effective for kids? It’s a pleasure to have you here. We’ve compiled a list of preschool learning activities that are fun and useful. We’ll now bump into the list to get to know them better.

Before that, know why learning activities are required for preschoolers.

Why Fun Learning Activities for Preschoolers?

Just because your child is a toddler, it doesn’t mean their learning path hasn’t started. They can learn things like counting and writing through fun learning activities.

Here we go with the activities:

Fun Learning Activities for Preschoolers

1. Identify Colors

Children are more likely to be interested in learning about colors at an early age. It is always good to begin your preschooler’s learning with color identification.

identify colours
How to teach Color Identification?

Things required:

  • Pack of colorful pom-poms (or) color papers


Place the colored pom-poms in their path and let them identify them. The activity not only helps you teach colors but is also used to teach counting. In addition, this activity encourages your child’s gross motor skills and fine motor skills.

2. Building Blocks

Children learn to recognize different shapes, sizes, colors, orders, spatial thinking, logical reasoning, and many other skills by playing with blocks or shape sorters.

building blocks
How to play Building blocks?

Things required:

  • Building blocks (or) Shape sorter (or) Jigsaws


Place the blocks in front of your child and help them to stack the blocks on top of each other. Encourage your child to knock the block down and let them start over to innate their towers. This will help your child in enhancing their self-confidence.

3. Identifying Objects

Teaching your child to identify objects is quite a simple method to teach. If your child is a little familiar with the alphabet or numbers, this game will be more suitable for them.

identify objects
How to play object identification?

Things required:

  • Objects like Numbers or Alphabet


Let your child physically touch the object and teach them what object it is. This activity helps them learn the alphabet and numbers and will enhance your child’s brain function. Furthermore, kids who are more advanced in their object identification skills can blindfold their eyes and find what it is. However, the game can be played with or without closing your child’s eyes.

4. Memory Game

Our toddlers’ minds are young and energetic, so they always doubt and guess things happening around them. For parents, it’s a great advantage. So, if you’re interested in improving your child’s learning skills, play memory games with your child.

memory game
How to play Memory games?

Things required:

  • Index cards
  • Word list
  • A marker


Choose the words based on your child’s age and write them on the index card. Now, lay the index cards face-down in a row. Flip the cards randomly and let your child see the words on the card. Then, let your kids find which two cards match the same. If they find the wrong match, repeat the game until all the cards are matched.

5. Play Punctuation

We all learned the essential traffic rules by playing the RED Light, GREEN Light game when we were children. Right? With a little update, let’s play a punctuation game with our child.

How to play a Punctuation game?

Things required:

  • Index cards


Write down a comma, period, exclamation, and question mark on each index card. Now, for each punctuation indicate some action like

  • Period – stop
  • Comma – slow down and walk
  • Exclamation – wave the hands
  • Question mark – thumbs down

Then, begin playing the game by letting them choose the card.

6. Word hunting

It is like playing a detective game.

word hunt
How to hunt words?

Things required:

  • Magazine or Newspaper
  • Marker
  • Highlighter


Take a white paper and write a few words that are in the newspaper. Then handover the paper with a word list to your kid and let them identify those words in the newspaper and highlight them. By doing so, kids can learn new words in their life.

7. Sense learning

It is a great game that kids definitely love playing. In addition, it enhances their sensing skills.

sense learning
How to play a sensing game?

Things required:

  • Any objects or food


Blindfold your kids’ eyes and play the game. For instance, if you have a flower, place it near your kid’s nose and let them find what it is. Likewise, make use of any object and make them sense through their sensory organs (ear, nose, lip, hand, eye).

8. Map game

This game helps your child learn the names of the places and where they are located.

map game
How to play the map game?

Thing required:

  • Map (it can be either a world map or a particular choice of yours)


Initially, teach your kids about the places on the map. Then provide a non-filled map and let them identify the places on the map.

9. Jump Rope

It is one of the best games for getting your child physically and mentally active.

jump rope
How to Play the Jump Rope?

Things required:

  • Jump Rope


Get your rope and head to your backyard or sidewalk. Make sure your child counts each jump with you. This will help them learn to count without making mistakes. Playing jump rope will provide them with the best physical activity and keep them balanced.

10. Sentence Race

It is a vocabulary game that the kids most often like.

sentence race
How to play Sentence Race?

Things required:

  • Words in paper pieces


Sentence race is called sentence phrasing. To play it, you need a list of words and some paper pieces to write them on. Then fold the paper pieces and place them in a jar or box. You can ask your children to pick out a piece of paper. Then, they must frame a sentence with the word they found on the paper. It is more beneficial for kids to learn words. Additionally, it enhances their creativity.


There are many fun things you can do with your child to help them learn. These are just a few of them. The games will, however, be interesting to play. Furthermore, these games will not only enhance your child’s learning ability. Their life skills are also enhanced. These games are perfect for toddlers and preschoolers. Don’t miss out on the fun.

What are the signs of a struggling student? How to help them?

What are the signs of a struggling student? How to help them?

A struggling learner or student won’t say, “I have a problem with learning and need help.” Many parents and teachers fail to notice their child’s struggles until they consistently see their poor grades in school. Some might have noticed changes in your children’s attitude towards learning but weren’t sure why. Right? So, how do we get recognized before things go wrong in our kids’ learning?

Nothing to worry about anymore! We’re here to help. Children and teens usually don’t express their feelings about school and academics. So, it’s hard for us to help them. But, if you’re concerned about your child’s education and career, you should know them. How? Keep an eye on your child and look for signs of trouble. Taking this step will set you on the right path.

What are the signs of a struggling student? Below are warning signs of struggling students and how to help them. Read the blog, know the signs, and help your child.

Hang on. Before that, it’s important to know why your student is struggling.

Why do students struggle?

Children struggle for many reasons. This includes social challenges, academic performance, bullying, peer relationships, learning disorders, mental stress, physical health issues, and more. Finding it isn’t easy. But, if you are a caring parent or teacher, you should.

Warning signs of a Struggling student

1. Stress

When students struggle in school, the stress and anxiety follow them home. You can notice their behavioral changes and physical complaints. Some may refuse to go to school or refuse to learn.

2. Refuse to discuss school things

Hey, kiddo, how was your day at school today?

Does your child don’t share their moments at school with you? They might have had a bad day or quarreled with their friends. But, it is a warning signal for you that something is not right at their school, especially if they are open-minded.

Though you respect your kids’ boundaries, speaking with them is important. Get to know what happened at school. Try to get involved in your kids’ school life and stay updated.

3. Changes in Attitude towards school

A school is usually a favorite place for many kids. If your kid is one, then it’s cool. In contrast, it should be noticed if they were positive earlier and became annoyed about the school. I bet they don’t love things that are happening around your child. That might be the reason they hate going to school.

4. Truancy

Some students arrive late to classes or don’t come to school at all. Parents and teachers may believe that they are the ones who cause trouble. In reality, they might be anxious or depressed about school. Additionally, students with anxiety may experience physical symptoms like nausea, headaches, etc., causing them to miss classes.

5. Spends their time alone

Some kids prefer not to spend their time at school with their friends. Most kids, however, prefer spending time with their families. If your kid is one of those but suddenly misses spending time with you, then you should be aware. They may prefer eating alone or sleeping alone. Your child should be given extra attention if you find such things in them.

6. Take more time on Homeworks than usual

Students don’t miss out on playing with friends after returning from school. But, if they miss out on playing and spend more time completing homework, keep an eye on them. Every teacher has homework policies. It may vary from teacher to teacher. But, they usually follow their policy. Some may give more homework while others limit the homework to kids. Be familiar with their teacher’s homework policy.

Giving more homework may burden them and ruin their playtime. However, some kids might have trouble completing their homework due to a few doubts. At school, their teachers can assist them with the issue. But at home, as parents, you need to be responsible for helping your child with homework.

7. Listen to teachers

Parents sometimes dismiss what teachers say about their children. Remember, a teacher is responsible for the entire class, and if they report specifically about your child, you should consider it. Your child’s teacher is the best person to explain their change to you. This is because it provides you with a way to reach out to your child. Don’t take it personally. It’s just for the sake of your child.

8. Poor Grades

It is an obvious sign that a child is struggling. It may not be a big deal if your child receives a poor grade occasionally. It’s a red flag when the report card shows a pattern of poor grades.

9. Misbehaves at school

Misbehaving is a way for kids to grab others’ attention towards them. Also, it’s their way to hide their struggles from others. So, if they misbehave at school, speak with them and know what is troubling your child.

Knowing the signs alone is not enough. Please get to know how to help them.

How can you help them?

No matter how your child struggles with schoolwork or learning, you must understand them. Here are some tips to help you achieve that.

1. Be a good listener

Even though you are busy with your schedules, you have more responsibilities as parents. Take your time and talk to your children. Get to know what they are experiencing in their lives by letting them speak. If you build an emotional bond with them, they will feel safer and reach out to you for help if they need it.

2. Seek professional help

You should seek professional help for your child if he or she is struggling to learn. Certain accommodations can be provided to your child so that they can get good grades.

3. Multisensory instruction

In this way, kids can link what they see, hear, and feel. A student who learns using their senses is more likely to remember the material than one who reads. Each child is different, so you have to be creative.


Supporting and encouraging your struggling child makes a huge difference and helps them get back on track. Learning about your child is the first step in helping them before things worsen. The best thing you can do for your child is intervening if they are struggling and help them get back on track!

Strategies to motivate the unmotivated child

Strategies to motivate the unmotivated child

Kids often exhibit a passive mode when they are growing up. It is not our default nature, however. We all strive, wish for something, move towards our passion, etc. But we need a spark to ignite the desire. That’s where motivation comes into play.

Lack of motivation is a form of “Resistance.” If a child is unmotivated, they won’t do homework, schoolwork, or participate in any activities. Gradually, this will lead to bad grades and poor behavior. As parents, it’s your responsibility to motivate them. Unfortunately, many parents do not take this step.

Staying motivated in life is very important for kids. You can motivate your kids if you haven’t motivated them or if they seem unmotivated. However, Motivating a child can be a challenge for some parents. That’s true. Relax! We’re here to help you.

Here are a few tips and strategies for motivating the unmotivated. It is intended for parents who are looking for ways to motivate their children.

Tips and Strategies to Motivate the Unmotivated


1. Become interested in your child’s interests

We all like to do things we find interesting, and children are no different. If they pursue activities they enjoy, they will be more motivated. How do you do that?

  • Find out what your kids are interested in by observing them.
  • Show interest in their interests, even if they differ from your own.
  • Identify ways to link their interests to the other skills you want them to develop.

2. Keep the “motivational talk” to a minimum

According to science, motivational talks rarely work. However, no matter how hard you try, talking to your kids about effort is not likely to change their behavior. So, follow as below

  •  Instead of focusing on the past, consider the future.
  • There are several age-appropriate resources available to help your children develop a growth mindset and reflect on their performance. So, ask your children to assess their own performance.
  • Don’t give your children motivational talks; let them know you know they can succeed.

3. Encourage and Support

A lack of motivation in our kids’ is normal. But, our frustration grows when we can’t motivate them! Right? There are many reasons why kids may lack motivation: lack of confidence, frustration, disappointment or it could be any other reason. But, as parents, we need to support and encourage them at their tough times.

  • Before achieving success, everyone experiences failure. Share your own failures with your children. Life is full of failures, so let them understand that.
  • Even if the changes don’t immediately lead to improvement, comment on them. If you notice that your children are putting more effort into their work, let them know.
  • Encourage them to set goals. Create a short-term and long-term goals list. Goals should be attainable but require effort to achieve.
  • Further, it is important to have a plan in order to achieve your goals. Help your children develop a strategy for achieving their goals. Now, your kid can use this printable goals chart to get started.

4. kids will always be kids

Wouldn’t it be great if our kids followed our instructions and performed better than we expected? Kids do not view things in the same way as adults do. The most effective way to change their perception is to explain why certain things are important to them. So, Make learning fun for your children. For instance, if they are interested in music, join them.

Here are a few tips for you:

  • When your child is having trouble staying focused or interested, try different approaches.
  • It’s not surprising that kids will always be motivated by things they enjoy. Allow your children to enjoy the things they enjoy.
  • Don’t criticize or disappoint your children.
  • Change the way you perceive your child’s behavior. There is nothing abnormal about kids or adults procrastinating and lacking motivation. Therefore, there is no need to worry.

5. Take advantage of your child’s strengths

You may never have imagined how strength-based parenting could enhance your child’s happiness and satisfaction. Thus,

  • Parenting should emphasize your child’s strengths. Rather than assuming that they are mediocre in all fields, children need to experience success.
  • If a child discovers where their strengths lie, even the most destructive traits can undergo a transformation. You can build your children’s self-esteem by recognizing their strengths.

6. Consult a professional

Lack of motivation may indicate undiagnosed learning disorders or attention-related problems among kids, something we rarely hear about.

People with certain disorders may show signs of lack of motivation, procrastination, and difficulty concentrating. Whenever your child fails, these disorders can lead him or her to give up.

So, if you feel overwhelmed by your child’s lack of motivation, don’t hesitate to consult a professional. Your child’s learning disorder or other issues can be diagnosed by a professional, or a professional can help you determine how to help your child.

7. Celebrate your child’s success

Let your children know you are proud of them when they achieve their goals. Celebrate their successes together. Furthermore, reward your children for their smartwork and effort.

There is no guarantee that motivating your child will be easy, especially if the problem has existed for a long time. Remember that changing habits takes time. Don’t lose heart if progress seems slow. Soon, you’ll be celebrating your child’s success.

What are the cognitive benefits of learning a second language?

What are the cognitive benefits of learning a second language?

Languages are a gateway to different cultures!

Today, many kids spend their spare time learning new skills. What if your kid is one of these people? Why don’t you encourage them to learn a second language?

As the world becomes more multilingual, global connections become more vital. Therefore, learning a second language is always a good idea in everyone’s life. In addition, you can gain a lot from learning a second language, especially the cognitive ones. So, it’s never too late to master a new language.

But, before you begin studying another language, it’s good to know its benefits. I guess that’s the reason why you’re with me today. Is that right?

Yes, this blog is for you. In this blog, we’ve compiled a list of the cognitive benefits kids can gain from mastering a second language. Make sure you read the blog thoroughly, know the benefits, and learn a new language to achieve them.

Can we move in further?

Cognitive Benefits of Learning a Second Language

1. Enhance Memory

Learning a second language always forces our brain to use areas that are generally not engaged. In other words, a human brain is similar to a tech device: the more you use it, the more flexible and efficient it becomes.

enhance memory

Furthermore, switching between languages enhances memory power. Due to this, many children who speak two languages have better memorization skills and brain development than the others.

2. Improves Brain Power

brain power

Despite its small size, the human brain has a lot of power. Adaptability is one of its most vital traits. Thus, learning a new language helps you focus on understanding meanings, communicating, and developing skills. As a result of this process, skills such as concentration, critical thinking, improved listening, multitasking, problem-solving, and decision-making will be improved.

3. Multitasking

Several studies have demonstrated that learning a second language has immense cognitive benefits. Multitasking is one of the benefits.


Multitasking may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but children who learn a second language can do it. How?

People who can speak two languages easily switch between them. Due to this, they are more adept at multitasking. It is therefore advisable to let kids learn a second language in order to enhance their multitasking skills.

4. Improves IQ

As we mentioned earlier, learning a second language improves good brain power and memory in humans. Guess what? It is directly linked to our IQ level.

Several studies and research have indicated that bilingual and multilingual people have more grey matter in the brain than monolinguals.


A grey matter layer is nothing more than the brain’s outer layer. It processes data and enables us to control emotions, movements, and memory.

Multilingual individuals have a greater density of grey matter. This is why bilingual and multilingual people have higher IQ levels than monolingual people.

5. Improves Concentration skill

Ellen Bialystok, a Canadian psychologist and professor conducted a concentration control experiment in 2003. A total of 60 preschoolers were selected for this study, of which 30 were monolinguals, and 30 were bilinguals.


Researchers found that bilingual children were significantly better at controlling their attention than monolingual children.

This is because people who speak more than one language should switch between them. Therefore, the process of switching between languages requires more focus than monolinguistic. As a result, it enhances and strengthens bilingual and multilingual students’ ability to concentrate.

6. Enhance Creative

In our day-to-day lives, we all face many challenges. To deal with them, we need creativity. In what ways can we gain it? Become bilingual.

One of the most significant cognitive benefits of learning a second language is creativity. This is because the brains of bilinguals are constantly being mentally juggled.


Furthermore, second language learners can perceive things from different perspectives. That is, learning something new will always open the doors of our minds to delight in it. Therefore, mental exercises like this are more beneficial to the cognitive abilities of people who learn a second language.

7. Boost Self-confidence

The process of learning a new language is not an easy one. Also, leaving our comfort zone is quite tricky for everyone. Some people may be nervous about learning a new language, while others hesitate. But, people who are determined to reach their destination will automatically boost their self-confidence to regain their faith and abilities in learning languages.

self confidence

Moreover, multilingual people can communicate with confidence even in crowds. So, don’t worry if you’re nervous or hesitant when learning a new language.

8. Strengthens Decision-Making skill

decision making

Research has shown that people who speak more than one language are more rational than monolinguals. It is because bilinguals and multilinguals have contrary assumptions. It allows them to distance themselves from their emotions and biases associated with their native tongue. Thus, they can make fact-based decisions with a clear head and be systematic.

9. Sharper Mind

sharp mind

Studies and journals have found that learning a second language sharpens your mind.

As I mentioned earlier, learning a new language always opens your mind to new possibilities. As a result, you become more aware of your surroundings and can distinguish good from the bad.

10. Reduces the chances of Dementia and Alzheimer

Studies have found that bilinguals and multilinguals are less likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer’s than monolinguals. According to the study, people with a second language show their first signs at the age of 75. In contrast, people with only one language skill show their first signs at 71 years old.

Bottom lines

Learning a second language has enormous benefits. This blog contains a few benefits of learning a second language for your knowledge.

Remember – Children who learn a new language at an early age will be more able to enhance their abilities than adults.

Would you like to learn something new? Are you looking for ways to make your child’s spare time productive? Then learning a second language would be a wise choice for you. Although learning a native language is easy, learning a second language will enable you to advance in your career.

Waiting for what? You can boost your intelligence and cognitive abilities by learning a second language. All you need to do is, sign up at Nurtem and begin learning your language from our certified tutors.

Best wishes!

What are the most common grammar mistakes that writers should avoid?

What are the most common grammar mistakes that writers should avoid?

Be mindful when writing or speaking; words are powerful!

Even after years of education, we still make grammatical mistakes when writing. Guess why?

Words and phrases may sound pleasant when read. However, when we write it out, it appears like gibberish. Possibly, it might be due to grammatical mistakes.

Mistakes are unavoidable when writing. But, there are a few common grammatical errors that we fall into without our knowledge. If you are fond of writing, you should be aware of those mistakes because knowing them will help you avoid making them in the future.

So, what are the most common grammar mistakes that we should avoid? Thinking a lot? No need to stress. We have listed some of the common errors that every writer makes when writing. Walk through it and know what they are.

Most common Grammar mistakes that writers should avoid

1. Run-on Sentence

Would you like to read a long passage without a break? No one does!

The term “run-on sentence” refers to a never-ending sentence that joins two independent clauses, with or without punctuation. Such sentences can be confusing and intimidating for the reader. To avoid this, keep your sentences concise.


Run-on Sentence: James is a smart boy, he began writing when he was four years old

How to separate the clause?

Separate Sentence: James is a smart boy. He began writing when he was four years old.

2. Incorrect use of Commas

The most appropriate thing to use when writing is a comma. A comma allows the reader to pause and take a breath. Unfortunately, some writers overuse or underuse it. It either causes the reader to become confused or to miss the point of the content. As a writer, you should know when and where NOT to use a comma. So, when writing, remember the following:

  • Double-check your document. 
  • A comma should not separate a Verb from its Subject or Object. 
  • Don’t use a comma between two nouns in a compound sentence.
  • Use a comma to join two independent clauses.
  • Use commas when there are more than two elements in a list.

Furthermore, when reading, if you feel you’re pausing too often or not frequently enough, you should check your commas. Make sure you have spaced them correctly.


Incorrect Use of Comma:

1. He is smart but, dependent.
2. Hello Sam!

Correct Use of Comma:

1. He is smart but dependent.
2. Hello, Sam!

3. Sentence Fragments

The term Sentence Fragment refers to incomplete sentences. In other words, a sentence that does not have either its main verb or subject.


Sentence Fragment: I like to eat cookies. Because I like the taste.

Correct Sentence: I like to eat cookies because I like the taste.

4. Apostrophes and Contraction Usage

According to grammatical rules, any word ending with an apostrophe indicates possession or contraction. However, many writers make mistakes when using apostrophes and contractions. So, make sure to use apostrophes and contractions correctly.


Incorrect Sentence:

1. Its very hot outside today.
2. Your mad at him?

Correct Sentence:

1. It’s very hot outside today.
2. You’re mad at him.

5. Use of Passive Voice

A passive voice is not a grammatical error. However, passive sentences sound confusing, wordy, and unclear to the reader. As a writer, you should communicate your thoughts to your audience as clearly as possible. Additionally, use Active Voice rather than Passive Voice when phrasing your sentence.


Passive Sentences:

1. The shop will be closed by the owner.
2. The room was decorated by Jane.

Active Sentences:

1. The owner will close the shop.
2. Jane decorated the room

6. Misplaced Modifiers

Every writer needs to communicate their thoughts clearly to their audience. Therefore, writers should move the position of the misplaced modifier next to the words they intend to modify. Otherwise, it creates ambiguity and confusion for the reader.


Incorrect Sentence: At five years old, my mother bought me a toy for Halloween.

Correct Sentence: When I was five years old, my mother bought me a toy for Halloween.

7. Use of Prepositions

In grammar, a preposition indicates that a subsequent word follows it. However, many writers misplace it at the end of sentences at some point. Ending a sentence with a preposition is not a big deal in a general conversation. But, writers should avoid it in writing since it is not professional.

Additionally, some writers overuse prepositional phrases. It makes your writing wordy. If possible, simplify your sentences.


Incorrect Sentences:

1. What reason did she come here for?
2. The building shook with great force.

Correct Sentences:

1. For what reason did she come here?
2. The building trembled.

8. Use of Adverbs

The words that end with -ly are called Adverbs. Using Adverbs once in a while is good enough. But, overuse of adverbs is not encouraged for writers.


Incorrect Sentences:

1. She walked swiftly towards the window.
2. James whispered quietly to his dad.

Correct Sentences:

1. She dashed towards the window.
2. James whispered to his dad.

9. Wordiness

Don’t be too wordy if you want more fans for your writing. The most common causes of wordiness are excessive adverbs and adjectives. To simplify the text, omit unnecessary words. Your writing will be more concise and persuasive as a result.


Incorrect Sentence: There’s nothing better than music.

Correct Sentence: Nothing’s better than music.

10. Misuse of Words

Every writer’s most common mistake is to misspell words that sound similar. Though it sounds similar, they have different functionalities. Thus, try to avoid misuse of words.


There Vs. Their
Who Vs. Whom
Less Vs. Fewer
This Vs. These
Than Vs. Then
Affect Vs. Effect
Principle Vs. Principal

Mind your Language

It is possible to make countless grammar errors while writing. The mistakes listed above are some of the most common mistakes every writer makes. Many readers don’t notice grammatical errors. However, it may weaken your writing. Watch your language when you write to express your thoughts!

Good Luck 🙂

What’s the fastest way to learn Spanish?

What’s the fastest way to learn Spanish?

You can learn Spanish language if parrots can!

Learning a new language can seem time-consuming. Most courses require years of study and practice to master. There are various methods for learning Spanish quickly. Learning a new language may appear challenging at first, but it becomes less confusing and easier over time. One can pick up the basics and move on to more advance levels. Certainly, it will take a while before you master it.

The methods we will use here, however, can help us learn quickly and easily. It will teach you the key areas to focus on to improve the language more effectively. We will show you a variety of strategies for learning Spanish effectively. There are numerous resources available to help us learn the language in our daily lives. To ensure that you continue to improve, challenge yourself and apply what you have learned.

Come sit back and relax as we look at the simplest and easiest ways to learn Spanish.

Fastest way to learn the Spanish language

Modern life is so fast-paced that no one has time to learn traditional methods. Therefore, when it comes to learning a new language, you want to do so in the most effective way. Fortunately, there are faster ways to learn the language. Selecting the appropriate study method will help you learn the language faster.

Here are seven tricks and tips to help learn Spanish fast!

1. Learning and Building New Vocabulary

You can learn new vocabulary quickly and easily. It has been proven that only 250-750 words in Spanish to have a conversation. If you truly want to expand your vocabulary, consider your schedule and come up with a reasonable number of words that you can acquire each week. Learning the most commonly used terms by native Spanish speakers will offer you an advantage. That way you will be learning words you’ll actually use. 


Thankfully, the internet is a gold mine of pre-made lists that will save you a lot of time. Make your own list and you are good to go!

2. Learn from a Professional Spanish Tutor

Spanish tutor

Learning Spanish at home is the most effective and convenient method. Look for a tutor who can give you an edge in the classroom. It could be a family member or a professional educator. The wonderful thing about online classes is that they offer the best learning resources and guidance. To provide you with the greatest private lessons, a skilled teacher will focus his attention on you. Because the tutor is so knowledgeable about the vocabulary, you will have no trouble learning.

3. Taking an Online Self-Study Course

self study

There are plenty of online courses today to learn a language. Pick a course and start self-learning. Make sure it involves your own hand-writing to get a better grip of the language. The more consistent you are, the better results you get. Occasionally, review your diary and ponder over the mistakes you made. The mistakes you make do not matter; what matters is how well you progress. You’ll need to understand the language, sentences, and vocabulary. You will be surprised at how much difference it can make!

4. Read as much as you can

learn as much as you can

A lot of reading is another way to improve your Spanish. As you learn new words, you will become more proficient over time. Starting with something simple would be a good idea. Something with which you can identify. Bridget Jones would make an excellent first read. It shows how to construct sentences and words. As a result, you get a better understanding of the language.

5. Use the language in Phone Settings

learn spanish through phone

When learning a new language, some of us prefer to use actual books to understand. But the trend to learn on a laptop or smartphone is growing increasingly popular each year. This should come as no surprise. Learning online or through applications is easy, inexpensive, and a lot of fun. Many cell phones include multiple language options that you can select in the Settings section. Changing the language settings on your phone is a terrific approach to enhance your skills rapidly. That way you’ll have no choice but to practice when you use it. Overall, you probably tend to use your phone a lot every day.

6. Don’t fret over the Grammar


Many learn the Spanish language over other languages hearing that the grammar is relatively simpler. Spanish grammar is identical to English grammar in many ways. Like any new language, the Spanish language also has some rules. While these rules aren’t exactly difficult, they do require patience and practice. Some aspects of Spanish grammar are difficult for some while easy for many. Much of what you find simple depends on the languages you already know and how close they are to Spanish. Also, keep in mind that everyone learns differently.

7. Make Spanish a part of your Life-style

learn spanish

Try to converse in Spanish as much as possible. Make Spanish your main language during the day. This will also serve as a reminder to your brain that you are constantly learning this language. Don’t underestimate the power of daily practice in learning Spanish. Although it seems absurd, the trick is to keep talking while doing ordinary tasks. Take a few minutes a day, and you’ll find you can do it without even realizing it. Eventually, it will become a part of your lifestyle.


As you can see, learning Spanish quickly necessitates some effort. Also remember that any new language requires dedication. However, it is feasible. If English is your primary language, learning any new language takes time. The reason being that English basic grammar is similar and much easier. Learning new rules can be difficult at first. The key is to keep focused on the big-picture approaches that will help you learn and speak the language.

Never give up!

What Subjects are on SAT?

What Subjects are on SAT?

Many people might have dreamed of taking the SAT since they were young. For some people, securing a place in a top university in their country is the ultimate dream. If you are one of those, this is an ideal moment to prepare for the test.

Sadly, most people don’t know where to begin. Agree? That’s Okay.

Here we provide you with every nook and cranny of SAT subjects that you should not ignore. Ready? Let’s go!

Wait. Before moving ahead, let me briefly describe what SAT is and why it is important for students. If you are familiar with the SAT, skip this section.

What exactly is the SAT?

SAT – Scholastic Aptitude Test

SAT is a Standardized Admission Test used by top colleges and universities to select their applicants. The College Board administers it. SAT’s main purpose is to determine whether a student is ready for college or not.

Why SAT?

For some students, the SAT can be tedious and stressful. Still, you should be aware of the importance of taking the SAT.

When it comes to getting into the best colleges in the United States, SAT scores are more important. However, students can also benefit from taking the SAT in other ways. What’s that?

Scholarships for good scorers – Many colleges offer financial assistance based on merit for the top applicant. This is why test scores are so important. However, good grades are not mandatory. But for those who are looking for a scholarship, SAT or ACT scores are required. So take the SAT and try to score well.

Work possibilities – Some employers will hire you if you achieve high marks. This is because a standardized test score adds credibility to your record.

Where to begin?

To achieve high SAT scores, students should increase their abilities in the SAT subjects. Yet some students aren’t aware of the SAT subjects. Those who don’t need not worry. It’s not a big deal. We’re here to help!

What subjects are on SAT?

1. SAT Math

SAT Math is one of the most important subjects in the SAT subject exam. It is an 80-minute test subdivided into i) SAT Math Level 1 and ii) SAT Math Level 2

SAT Math

Exam Pattern:

Total Number of Questions 58 ( 38 with Calculator & 20 Non-Calculator)
Allotted Time 55 Minutes (Calculator) & 25 Minutes (Non-Calculator)
Question Types Multiple Choice Questions & Grid-in Questions
Topics Alegra, Problem Solving, Data Analysis
Complexity Level 9th to 10th grade

SAT Math Syllabus

Heart of Algebra

What should you learn and practice?

  • Try linear inequality or equality with one variable
  • Understand how a linear graph is related to an equation or inequality
  • Understand how linear equations, expressions, and inequality work in context
  • You can try to solve a system of linear equations or inequalities with two variables

Problem Solving and Data Analysis

What should you learn and practice?

  • Percentages
  • Rates, Ratios, and Promotions
  • Calculate probability based on the data
  • Analyze and calculate the range, mean, mode, and range of data

Advanced Math

What should you learn and practice?

  • Simplify an expression with exponents
  • Isolate a variable in a nonlinear equation
    Quadratic equations
  • Understand and manipulate a nonlinear expression
  • Operations with polynomial expressions
  • Understand how the zeros and factors of a polynomial relate to one another
  • Understand how the nonlinear graph relates to an equation or a system of nonlinear equations
  • Solve an equation that contains variables in the denominator
  • Know how transformation and compositions are performed in the notation

Addon Topics

  • Learn Volume and Area
  • Missing values in Circle (chord lengths, arc lengths, angle measures)
  • Conversion between Degrees and Radian
    Complex Numbers
  • Relationship between trigonometric ratios, similar triangles, and right angles

How to Prepare for SAT Math?

  • Memorize important formulas and math facts
  • Practice and Review. If your answer is wrong, don’t get upset. Check where you’ve made a mistake and solve it again.
  • Perform basic Calculation that has a no-calculator section.
  • Avoid careless mistakes
  • Enhance your speed while calculating
  • Take mock tests.


SAT Math has a wide range of topics. Thus, daily practice is necessary to achieve good results. So, start practicing SAT Math and get into your dream university.

2. SAT Biology E/M

Are you a person who is interested in learning science? Then focus on SAT Biology.

SAT Biology is split into two subjects:

  • SAT Biology E
  • SAT Biology M

Hence, students can choose any one of these to take the test.

SAT Biology

What is SAT Biology E/M?

According to the College Board,

  • The SAT Biology E is “geared towards Biological Communities, energy flow, and population.”
  • The SAT Biology M is “geared towards Biochemistry, Respiration and Photosynthesis, Cellular Structure and Processes.”

Exam Pattern

Total Number of Questions 80
Allotted Time 60 Minutes
Question Type Multiple choice questions
Topics Differs for E and M


  • 60 questions are identical in both Biology E and Biology M.
  • The last 20 questions will be either E or M.

How to choose between Biology E & M?

If you are a student interested in biological populations and communities, go with Biology E. Whereas, if you are knowledgeable in biochemistry, respiration, and photosynthesis, then go with Biology M.

Note: You cannot be able to take both E and M on the same day. Thus, it is wise to choose anyone at your convenience. However, if you wish to take both, you should take them on different days.

SAT Biology E/M Syllabus

Cellular and Molecular Biology

  • Photosynthesis
  • Cellular Respiration
  • Biological chemistry
  • Cellular Structure & Organization
  • Biosynthesis
  • Enzymes
  • Biochemistry


  • Biological Communities & Populations
  • Ecosystems
  • Biodiversity
  • Energy Flow
  • Nutrient Cycles
  • Biomes
  • Effects of Human Intervention


  • Mendelian Genetics
  • Molecular Genetics
  • Meiosis
  • Inheritance

Organismal Biology

  • Animal Behavior
  • Structure, Function, and Development of Organisms

Evolution and Diversity

  • Origin of Life
  • Natural Selection
  • Speciation
  • Evidence of Evolution
  • Pattern of Evolution
  • Classification and Diversity of Organisms

How to prepare for SAT Biology?

SAT Biology is not an AP Test. So, don’t stress yourself! Below are some essential points you should remember while preparing for your SAT Biology Test. Guess what?

  • Take mock tests. Mock tests will help you know how the questions will be asked on the SAT.
  • Questions in SAT Biology will often come in paragraphs (describing an experiment).
  • Hence, you should always take a moment to read the given paragraph.
  • Don’t waste your time concentrating on hard questions.


In SAT Biology, 75% of the questions will be similar in both E and M. Hence, the test formats and guidelines are quite similar for both subjects. So, choose your subject and start preparing for the test. We wish you the best!

 3. SAT Physics

The SAT Physics subject test is also called SAT II or Physics SAT.

Students interested in engineering, math, and technology can take the SAT Physics test. By doing so, they can show their interest in the colleges. Are you ready to take SAT Physics? Here are a few things you should know before you begin your preparation.

SAT Physics

Exam Pattern

Total Number of Questions 75
Allotted Time 1 Hour (60 Minutes)
Question Type Multiple Choice Questions
Topics Mechanics, Waves & Optics, Electricity & Magnetism, Heat & Thermodynamics, Modern Physics

SAT Physics Syllabus

As per College Board, the SAT Physics subject test covers the following topics:


  • Kinematics ( Velocity, motion in one & two dimensions, acceleration)
  • Dynamics (Newton’s laws, friction, force, and statics)
  • Circular Motion ( Uniform circular motion, Centripetal force)
  • Energy and Momentum ( Kinetic energy, potential energy, power, work, impulse, and conservation laws)
  • Harmonic Motion ( Pendulum and Mass)
  • Gravity (Kepler’s law, orbits, law of gravitation)

Waves and Optics

  • Wave Properties ( Wave speed, Wavelength, Frequency, Doppler effect, Standing waves, and Superposition)
  • Ray Optics ( Lenses, Mirrors, and Image formation)
  • Reflection and Refraction ( Changes in Wavelength & Speed, Snell’s law)
  • Physical Optics (Diffraction, Interference, and Polarization)

Electricity & Magnetism

  • Forces, Potentials, & Electric Fields (Coulomb’s law, Induced charge, and Charged particles in Electric fields)
  • Circuit Elements & D.C.’s (Resistors, Ohm’s law, and Joule’s law)
  • Capacitance ( Parallel-plate Capacitors, Time-varying behavior when Charging & Discharging)
  • Magnetism (Fields caused by currents, Permanent Magnets, Particles in Magnetic fields, Lenz’s law, and Faraday’s law)

Heat & Thermodynamics

  • Thermal Properties (Temperature, Thermal expansion, Heat transfer, Specific and Latent heats)
  • Laws of Thermodynamics (First and Second laws, Entropy, Internal Energy, and Heat Engine Efficiency)

Modern Physics

  • Atomic ( Rutherford and Bohr models, Atomic Spectra, and Atomic Energy Level)
  • Nuclear Physics ( Fission, Fusion, Radioactivity, and other Nuclear processes)
  • Quantum Phenomena ( Electron Diffraction and Photoelectric Effect)
  • Relativity (Length Contraction, Time Dilation, Mass-Energy equivalence)

Addon Topics

  • Graphical analysis
  • Measurement
  • Technological Applications
  • Nanophysics

How to prepare for the SAT Physics?

SAT Physics tests will be conducted during May, June, August, October, November, and December. So, there’s a good time to prepare for the test. But how?

  • Use resources either from your class or from online sources.
  • Focus on time management when preparing.
  • Memorize the formulas.
  • Improve your problem-solving skills with numerical calculations because a
  • Calculator is not allowed in SAT Physics tests.
  • Analyze and double-check your answer.


To get a good score on SAT Physics, you need to compute equations, comprehend the metric system, have lab skills, and more. So practice more and get placed in your favorite university.

4. SAT Chemistry

Chemistry is an SAT subject test designed to evaluate students’ understanding of major concepts in chemistry. Furthermore, this test measures a candidate’s problem-solving skills and knowledge.

So, if your kid does well in Chemistry, why not let them take the SAT Chemistry to get into the right university? But first, let me share a few details regarding SAT Chemistry. Then, join me for a quick look.

SAT Chemistry

Exam Pattern

Total Number of Questions 85
Allotted Time 60 Minutes
Question Type Multiple Choice Questions
Topics Structure of Matters, Reaction Types, Thermochemistry, States of matters, etc.

SAT Chemistry Syllabus

Structure of Matters

  • Atomic structure (Quantum Numbers and Orbitals, Experimental evidence of Atomic Structure, Electron Configurations, and Periodic Trends)
  • Molecular Structure (Polarity, Lewis Structures, Three-dimensional Molecular shapes)
  • Bonding (Covalent & Metallic Bonds; intermolecular forces like hydrogen bonding, dispersion forces, dipole-dipole forces; relationships of bonding to Properties and Structure)

Reaction Types

  • Acids and Bases ( Strong and Weak acids and bases, Bronsted-Lowry theory, Titrations, pH, and Indicators)
  • Precipitation (Basic Solubility rules)
  • Oxidation and Reduction (Combustion, Recognition of Oxidation-Reduction, Oxidation Numbers, and Use of Reduction Potentials)


  • Conservation of Energy
  • Calorimetry and Specific heats
  • Heat changes associated with phase changes
  • Chemical Reactions
  • Heating and cooling curves
  • Entropy

States of matter

  • Gasses ( Kinetic Molecular Theory, Gas Law Relationships, Density, Molar Volumes)
  • Liquids and Solids (Types of Solids, Intermolecular forces in solids and liquids, Phase changes, and Phase Diagrams)
  • Solutions ( Molarity and Percent by mass concentrations, Factors affecting Solubility of Solids, Liquids, and Gasses, Solution Preparation, Qualitative aspects of Colligative Properties)


  • Mole Concepts ( Molar mass, Empirical and Molecular Formulas, Avogadro’s Number)
  • Chemical Equations ( Balancing of Equations, Percent Yield, Stoichiometric calculations, and Limiting Reactants)

Equilibrium and Reaction Rates

  • Equilibrium Systems (Factors affecting Position of Equilibrium in Gaseous and Aqueous Systems, Equilibrium Expressions, and Equilibrium Constants)
  • Rates of Reactions ( Factors affecting Reaction Rates and Potential energy diagrams)

Descriptive Chemistry

  • Nomenclature of Ions and Compounds
  • Periodic Trends in Physical and Chemical Properties of Elements
  • Reactivity of elements
  • Prediction of products of chemical reaction


  • Laboratory Equipments
  • Measurements
  • Procedures
  • Observation
  • Calculations
  • Data analysis
  • Interpretation of Graphical Data

How to Prepare for the SAT Chemistry?

The best way to prepare for the SAT Chemistry is “practice.”

  • Begin your preparation by reviewing the materials and learning the topics mentioned above.
  • Go through the previous year’s exam papers and practice a lot.
  • Identify your weakness by taking mock tests.
  • Don’t use Calculator when solving your problems
  • Time Yourself.


Since Chemistry is a tough subject, some may resist learning it and jump to either SAT Biology or others. Don’t get jumbled. If you are strong in Chemistry, stick to it.

5. SAT History

The SAT History subject test comprises of following disciplines:

  • World History – is offered in June, August, and December.
  • U.S. History – offered in May, June, August, October, November, and December.
SAT History

SAT US History

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Exam Pattern

Total Number of Questions 90
Allotted Time 60 Minutes
Question Type Multiple Choice Questions
Topics Political History, Economic History, Intellectual and Cultural History, Social History, and Foreign Policy

SAT World History

Exam Pattern

Total Number of Questions 95
Allotted Time 60 Minutes
Question Type Multiple Choice Questions
Topics All Historical themes from ancient times to the present

SAT World History Syllabus

Chronological Chapters

  • Prehistory and Civilizations to the year
  • 500 C.E.
  • 500 to 1500 C.E.
  • 1500 to 1900 C.E.
  • Post-1900 C.E.
  • Cross-Chronological

Geographical Chapters

  • Global History
  • European History
  • African History
  • Southern and Southeastern Asian History
  • Southwestern Asian History
  • The Americas History (Exclude the United States)
  • Eastern Asian History

How to prepare for SAT History?

To prepare for the SAT History, your 9th-grade History is not enough. Hence, you need to gain more knowledge of U.S. and World History. How?

  • Take multiple-choice test
  • Understand the Historical concepts
  • Analyze the cause and their relationships
  • Comprehend geography and comprehend History


Still, if you are not ready on your own for the SAT History, grab an online course and start preparing. Online resources will be the best place to begin your learning in this digital era.

6. SAT Languages

The SAT Language Test is offered in the following ways:

SAT Language

Language Listening Test:

  • French
  • German
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Spanish

Language Reading Test:

  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Latin
  • Modern Hebrew
  • Spanish

How to prepare for the SAT Language?

If you are a Native or Heritage Speaker, you are likely to score higher on the test than other non-Native speakers. Whereas, if you are a non-native speaker, try to learn the language and concentrate on the topics required to succeed in the test.


If you don’t know how the SAT Language is conducted, grab an online course or an expert tutor in your specific language. They’ll help you in preparing for the SAT Language Test.

7. SAT English

The SAT English Subject Test is to identify a candidate’s strength in reading. In this SAT subject test, candidates or students should solve the questions from the proposed passages, poetry, fiction, essays, and drama.

SAT English

Exam Pattern

Total Number of Questions 60
Allotted Time 60 Minutes
Question Type Multiple Choice Questions
Topics English Literature, American Literature, and other Literature (written in English)

SAT English Syllabus

  • English Literature written by British Authors
  • American Literature – written by authors from the United States
  • Other kinds of literature that are written in English (including writers from Ireland, India, the Caribbean, and Canada)

Note: Do you know how the questions will be categorized in the SAT English Subject Test? If not, here it is for your knowledge:

  • Words or Phrases in Context
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Questions on the passage
  • Figurative Language
  • Literary Devices
  • The narrator or Speaker’s Analysis
  • Dialogue Analysis
  • Character Analysis

How to prepare for the SAT English?

  • Review all your class materials and online sources
  • Learn Literary Terms and Concepts
  • Practice Literary Analysis specifically Poetry
  • Take Mock Tests
  • Time Yourself’
  • For each wrong answer, there will be a negative score; try avoiding such things


Ready to Take the SAT English Subject Test? When still waiting? Get Registered, try achieving good points, and get into your favorite college to pursue your future goal!