How to help students with emotional and behavioral disorders?

How to help students with emotional and behavioral disorders?

Is your child throwing tantrums and meltdowns in public or at home?

Students with Emotional and behavioral disorders have a wide range of characteristics. Although he may be good at receptive language skills, his expressive language puts you off. He may be feeling bogged down in expressing his wants, needs, and feeling. Sometimes, they are too shy to communicate, share, and ask for help. Because students who struggle with behavioral disorders also face language barriers. It may be of great concern to you as a mother to figure out what he is trying to tell.

So, what can a teacher do to help the students?

These behaviors or students with EBD as called are demanding and challenging to teachers. When the students with behavioral problems are left undetected in classrooms or at home, they are left irritated, frustrated, and withdrawn. Furthermore, the intensity of the disorder may vary from one child to another. Children are left with mood disorders, such as depression, or experience intense feelings of anger or frustration. By being aware and sensitive to their needs, the teachers can support them. Also, trying to get to the root of the problem or accessing his behavior helps.

Some examples of students and what might be going through their minds:

“I am too embarrassed or ashamed to ask for help from peers.”

“This looks impossible, even if I try!”

“I rather just do my work than saying something and get into trouble later.”



Students with EBD need to be welcomed with open hands. They need a positive environment that supports growth, fosters care and self-esteem. They need additional support from parents and teachers to improve. Honest communication is essential between the teachers and the parents. They need to come together to help the students and resolve the matter.

There have been numerous studies in the past of behavioral strategies. If used effectively, they can create an impact and improve behaviors in all ages. Improving behaviors are important in academic learning and growth. And to implement that, successful measures and preventions have to be utilized.

Let us explore some strategies which are most effective in bringing forth the improvement:

1) Setting rules:

Students with EBD require special attention in terms of rules and tasks to be successful. The students should be provided clear information when it comes to instruction and learning. Rules are important to prevent students from getting aggressive or lose track. They are also very important in promoting appropriate behaviors, such as respectful manners and completion of tasks.

Although the rules go a long way in helping students, they should not be exceeded. It can become ineffective, as they have a difficult time remembering the rules. Rules should be simple and clear. There should be three or four main rules and not more. Let the child take it step by step and process it. Making a list and posting it on board helps. An example list is:

  • Being punctual
  • Respect one another
  • Be polite
  • Have consideration
  • Trying your best
  • Completing assignments on time

2) Following consistent routines:

Students with EBD struggle with transitions. Consistent routines can positively affect students’ academic performance. A routine is a set of instructions given for daily occurrences. They allow students to complete day-to-day tasks. For example, when to start a class, finish an assignment, taking attendance, etc.

Following routines are very important for behavioral strategy. They prevent fewer disruptions and allow students to complete the tasks on time. This way, the students get more opportunities to learn and grow.

3) Support positive behavior:

Teaching children with EBD can be difficult and challenging. The students need to receive information lovingly. Fostering and rewarding positive behavior has proven to be more effective than punishing them. Negative behavior towards the students will only make problems worse.

When the teacher adapts verbal reinforcement or praise, the students behave appropriately. When they receive positive feedback, they tend to see a positive benefit to good behavior. They will start seeing you as a friend than an adversary. In turn, this will motivate them to do well. Here are some techniques to support positive behavior:

  • Point system: For every good the student does, the teacher gives them a point. These points or tokens can be used to buy rewards at the reward store.
  • Behavior chart: The teacher marks the chart with the student’s name who abides by the rules. These charts help in monitoring the student’s behavior closely. Students who perform well, their names are on the top. This makes every student accountable for their actions and equally responsible.
  • Gestures: When the student does well in the classroom, the teacher raises her hand to acknowledge the action. Gestures made with hands, eyes, and face help students feel joyful and positive.
  • Peer review: Students are asked to monitor their peers to identify positive behavior. The one who identifies the behavior and the one who watches get rewarded equally. This fosters a sense of teamwork between them and in the classroom.

4) Recognizing their efforts:

Students with EBD tend to perform better when they are given recognition. There is much that educators can do to motivate these children. The students with behavioral difficulties are unable to express their feelings. They lack the social skills for interacting with peers and have low-self esteem. Despite that, if the student manages to complete the task, then acknowledge the efforts. By understanding what the students need, you can monitor their progress. If the student has not finished assignments on time, understand the problem rather than finding faults because finding faults will hamper their growth more.

Help students recognize their mistakes and find the solution with them to work on them. Sometimes a student with EBD makes a mistake to gain attention or refrain from completing tasks. Helping them open up and be more accepting of their shortcomings plays a crucial role. Being open to their suggestions and helping them address their issues helps them immensely. Be honest with feedback and give minimal inputs to support their behavior.

5) Instill Hope:

While the characteristics of the student with EBD may sometimes seem daunting, the idea is never to give up. Some students demand more attention and understanding than others. But to reinforce positive behavior with such children has proven to be more effective than eliminating negative behavior. By fostering positivity, you can keep them motivated. Punishments and belittling them only make matters worse. Although it may test a teacher’s patience, it may be worth it.

The teachers need to be proactive and flexible in addressing the student’s issues. To give moral support to a student, the teacher has to be giving and instill faith. Coming together with a structured plan and supportive work environment helps. Teachers who are consistent, pursuant, and help students overcome problems influence greatly. Alternatively, instilling them with Hope will help.


The overall system of students with emotional struggles produces more heat than light. Dealing with anger, aggression, and non-acceptance is demanding and takes a toll. Yet, the teachers who focus on developing the strengths rather than fixing the students’ flaws are more successful. By not giving up on students, proactive teachers can make a world of difference and lead the way to a brighter future!

How can your child learn math fast and easy?

How can your child learn math fast and easy?

Is learning Maths easy? Yes, it is.

Whenever a person asks students What their most challenging subject is, most of the answers we receive are Math. Mathematics is considered one of the scary subjects among many kids. But for some, it is an excellent subject to score grades. So, if you are the one who finds difficulty in learning, then this blog is for you.

This blog has provided a few simple and most effective study tips to learn Maths fast and quickly. So keep reading ahead to tackle Math like an expert.

Before that, know why we need to learn Mathematics.

Why Maths?

For most people, it seems like Mathematics has no importance in life. But it’s not the truth. From ticking clocks to paying bills, we all use Maths in our daily life. This is why learning Math is one of the essential things in everyone’s life. But, how do we study math fast and efficiently? Just follow our tips and tricks given below.

Tips to learn Math fast and easy

1. Practice More

Practice More

Like other subjects, we cannot learn Math by listening or reading. Instead, to study maths, you need to understand concepts and solve the problems by continuous practice. The more you practice, you’ll be better at learning Math. so, don’t forget to practice more problems.

2. Begin with simple problems

begin with simple problems

First, don’t begin with complex problems. Complex problems are harder to do and lead to wrong solutions. So, start by practicing textbook examples. It will help you to understand the chapters. Then, once you’ve understood the chapter, you begin with the more complex sums.

3. Focus on the concept

focus on the concept

Mathematics is a logical subject where you need to understand one problem entirely before moving on to the next. By knowing the concept, your children can identify the logic of the problem to find the solution process.

4. Review the errors

Math Error

To solve a problem in Math, you need to apply different solutions to get the right one. In that case, if you got the wrong answer, review your progress and find the error you’ve made. Understanding where you’ve made a wrong approach will strengthen your problem-solving ability. Also, it will help you to avoid making the same mistake again.

Maths Desktop 1

5. Clear your doubts

clear the doubts

At some point, we may be stuck with doubts while doing Math. In that case, don’t let your doubts build. Instead, get your doubts clear whenever they occur. The sooner you get your doubts clear; you’ll be better at solving them. So, ask your tutor, parents or friends to get rid of your doubts.

6. Remember the formulae

math formula

Whenever we register something in our memory, it will be a unfadeable thing in our mind. In general, Mathematics comes with a bunch of formulas. So, note down the formulae from your chapter and hold them in your memory because it may help you further.

7. Apply Maths to real-world examples

apply math to real world

Each solution in math has a different concept, which makes it harder for the students to understand and remember. Therefore, one of the best ways to tackle math fast is to apply the math problem to real-world situations.

For instance:

Calculate the distance that you can travel with a half-tank of fuel in a car.

8. Make Use of Technology

use technology

As we live in a digital world, there are many online tutors to help us learn math. Also, in recent years, online tutoring has dramatically grown its popularity among all. You can find everything for the kids in an online class, from basic online math to online resources. So, make use of the technology effectively to master Math.


9. Create a distraction-less environment

distraction less environment

To learn math, we need more concentration. So, avoid multitasking or studying in a distracting environment like a noisy place or front of your television.

10. Don’t forget the basics

basic math

Without foundation, a building won’t be strong. Likewise, without basics, mathematics is nothing. Basics are the roadmap to solve huge problems in Math. Thus, don’t forget the basics of math in your lifetime.


Not everyone is good at juggling numbers. But math is not as complicated as it seems when using simple tricks to tackle the problems. Also, to do math fast, you must have a strong foundation because it will help solve complex concepts.

If you are the one who is looking for the best ways to learn math fast, then make use of the above tricks. Our math tricks help you understand different techniques on how to solve a problem rapidly. Also, it allows students to build their confidence in Math. Good Luck!

How does Learning Math make you more logical and active?

How does Learning Math make you more logical and active?

Do you want your child to be a Math expert?

But not sure if the child is interested or will be able to cope up?

Experts believe that the worst way to learn maths is to memorize the formulas. The children often resort to rote learning and mugging up. Rather than focusing on real learning, the child ends up learning only for exams’ benefit. When children go through interactive math classes, it develops their logical thinking. It might sound challenging at first, but with constructive mentoring, it is possible.

If you believe your child is good at Maths, it is like winning half the fight. Even though your child may not be good at numbers, he can overcome his fear with dedication. Often a subject that seems impossible at first turns out to be clicking for the second time. So its important that we try. Only with trial and error can we promote logical thinking. Everyone can boost their mathematical skills with practice.

Mathematics as a subject

Curious minds have been solving problems with the power of Mathematics. For some reason, the importance of maths in our daily lives is seen in hidden ways. In the form of computers, coding, software, airplanes and much more.

Mathematics is the most understood language across different cultures, countries and languages. When learning math, like 3+3=6 is the same around the world. Learning the equations and carrying them around in your head helps. But what helps are the ideas if you can understand maths and apply, nothing like it!

Maths as a subject

Mathematics is food for the brain. To learn, Maths needs/demands abstract and concrete thinking. It increases thinking, strengthens and rewires your brain. It improves your problem-solving skills, improves your logical and deep thinking skills. It prepares your mind to tackle unfamiliar tasks with ease and confidence.

Maths Desktop

Let us explore how Learning Maths can make your child more logical and active:

1.How Maths makes you more logical

Mathematical and logical thinking are almost the same. Mathematical thinking is different than doing mathematics as usually followed in schools. It involves the use of mathematics to solve real-world problems. When we put in a mathematical approach in the child’s thinking. We allow the child to think outside the box.

Our brain develops nerve-related pathways that process information that creates interesting new things. When doing a maths problem like collecting and breaking down data, we solve it. When we understand Maths, we can prepare our minds to tackle real problems. Maths makes us see the logic, find possible solutions and arrive at logical ends/results.

Maths makes you logic

Maths is completely logical. It needs/demands practice. Maths makes you see the world in a better way. It is important to understand that maths is so much more than learning numbers. It improves your mental abilities. It embarks you on a journey to increase logical abilities. Like, how physical exercise strengthens the body, Math strengthens the mind.

Mental math is known to boost the ability of the brain. Math learning keeps the brain active. The study of shapes, patterns and numbers helps us to develop. The intelligent/brain-based function is always active of a math expert. It keeps the brain healthy, energized and in perfect working condition.

2.How Maths makes you more active

There is a clear sign that proves that mental activity and exercise both make us more active. It speeds up your thinking-related ability, memory, thinking and speed of processing information. Learning Maths and solving problems make your mind active. Higher levels of mental activity play an important role in delaying sicknesses and mental sickness.

Doing Maths strengthens your brains. Children who know math have more gray matter volume in the brain area than those who don’t. The brain areas involved in higher math skills led to visual attention and decision-making. Not only does maths helps you deepen your logical powers. It will also help you in improving your brainpower.

Learn Maths

You might want to stimulate your child at a young age. A combination of different challenges like math, solving puzzles and formulas keeps the brain alive. Once your child develops the necessary mathematical thinking, they will relate to things. They will understand why things happened, the way they happened. It will make maths much more fun and their brains more active. They will own the habit of doing mental math, which will be very useful for their brain.

Math helps us to understand things faster. Faster thinking will keep your brain sharp. Faster thinking is planning, problem-solving and being able to focus on solutions. The brain you have today is not the same brain you have tomorrow. The more you stimulate the brain, the more active it becomes. Keep practicing!

Wrapping up:

Some say math is about solving problems, while others say it is about asking questions. Both are accurate to some extent, but neither are all-inclusive. Maths is about creating tools to study the world around us. Asking questions and answering those questions. Numbers, sizes, fields, graphs and structures are all classic examples of those tools.

Maths is about making things as abstract as possible. Thereby leading to general and simple as possible. Math is about coming up with various problems. Solving those problems is fun. If maths were not challenging, mathematicians would stop considering solving that problem. So the problem has to arrive from somewhere to solve them.

Math experts are solving today’s hardest problems in the world. Becoming skilled in maths will open up your brain’s ability to better understanding and solving abstract problems. Learning maths involves many areas in the brain, including the parietal lobes. It helps to form and strengthen new connections between nerve cells. It helps you in rewiring and rebuilding or recreating your brain.

To experience the power of maths, you first need to make your child love maths.

Not good at Maths? Work hard, and you can get better!

Tilt/language remember formulas; again, practice makes perfect!

Why we need a separate reading class when we have English class?

Why we need a separate reading class when we have English class?

As children, we learn to read. As adults, we read to learn!

The demand for reading has increased in today’s society. Hence, the children must learn how to read. However, many students are not good at reading.

Some students learn it fast, even in a classroom environment, whereas others find reading English boring and difficult and fail in their academic careers.This is why English reading courses are recommended for kids with learning disabilities.

The following blog will explain in detail why your kid needs a separate reading class. Let’s read!

Why do kids need a separate reading class?

1. Improves vocabulary

Children are exposed to new words through textbooks, storybooks, newspapers, and more every day. Likewise, through reading courses, kids can explore many new words and help them to express their thoughts on views. This will help the kids know what the word is and how effective when kid applies it in their reading.

Even in some reading classes, kids will be asked to use the words to phrase a sense or a speech in the class. It improves their confidence and enhances their use of the words in the right place.

2. Enhance knowledge

Reading is the ultimate source of knowledge. What we read is what we reflect. In the traditional classroom, teachers won’t pay attention to the kids in an individual manner. But in the reading course, one-on-one instructions will be given for the kids based on their learning methods and understandability. As a result, it helps the kids in gaining knowledge.

3. Fosters concentration

Reading is the best practice to enhance a person’s concentration skills. But when reading, kids can distract easily. One can be trained and entertained with a reading course to practice reading. This will open the gate for the students to stay focused on their learning.

4. Encourage thought process

When reading, kids will be exposed to many imaginative thoughts in mind. You can connect it to your reading and enhance your creative and cognitive skills.

5. Better reader

It is widely believed that students become a better readers through reading. Learning how to read will help the kids to focus on the meaning rather than learning a language. Hence, it is obvious that a reading course will serve you with it.

6. Improves language skill

Besides all these, students who learn reading through English reading course helps the kids in improving language skills. They can be more knowledgeable and fluent compared to the traditional classroom readers.

7. Improves writing skill

In reading class, kids are not only taught with reading abilities. Also, they’ll be trained how to write, how to frame sentences with learned words, and more. So, kids can enhance their writing along with reading.

8. Motivate to read

One of the needed things to encourage a child to read is “Motivation”. Without motivation, no one can succeed in their work. Likewise, kids should always be motivated to achieve their goals. In English reading courses, teachers highly motivate the students to discover new things in their reading.

9. Improves fluency and grammar

Fluency: In the reading course, students will be trained to read aloud. By reading aloud, kids can develop clarity in voice by exercising lips, vocal cords, tongue. Also, reading out loud improves pronunciation and helps them learn fluently.

Grammar: Reading is a good skill to improve your grammar. Similar to fluency and vocabulary, reading makes you stronger in various grammar structures. It is the key for the readers to learn English words.

10. Improves loves for reading

From textbooks to games, kids can learn new words in English. This attracts the kids to read more. Even the kids who don’t like reading can also love it when reading is taught in the right method.


The benefits listed above are just like a pinch of salt in food. There are more benefits that you can earn from a reading course compared to classroom reading. If you find difficulty in reading, then why not grab a reading course? Reading courses offer a lot for the kids. Choose the right reading course and be a better reader. If you are looking for a good online reading course, book a course at Nurtem. We offer a flexible and good reading platform for you.

How to groom the analytical knowledge of your kid?

How to groom the analytical knowledge of your kid?

The digital world we live in today is all about a creative society. Everybody looks for constant innovation and visions for the future with unique ideas. Also, innovations should be in line based on peoples’ needs. Hence, to accomplish all these things, one needs to improve his or her creative and analytical knowledge. But how?

Are you a parent or teacher who is willing to enhance your kid’s analytical knowledge? Here, we’ve provided some interesting ways to groom the analytical knowledge for your kids.

Before we begin learning, let’s know what is analytical knowledge and why it is essential in short.

What is analytical knowledge?

Analytical knowledge is the ability to collect and analyze the data in-depth. Also, it helps to find the problem and the situations from different points of view.

Further, it allows kids to solve critical problems with the help of decision-making skills.

Benefits of Analytical knowledge

  • Empower your kids for future success.
  • Helps your kids to become a better problem solver.
  • Enables a good career opportunity.
  • Help your kids to shine in life.

How to groom the analytical knowledge of kids?

Like other skills, analytical knowledge is innate. But not to everybody. Your kid should have interest, a solid sense to drive, and patients to groom analytical knowledge. Apart from these, one should know the smart way to acquire analytical knowledge. Below are some simple and intelligent ways to enhance your kids’ analytical skills. Here we go with them:

Coding Desktop

Ask questions

“The more we are curious about something, the more it engages our cognitive knowledge.”

Asking questions is usually a kids’ job. But, when it comes to kid’s analytical skills, asking questions is essential. Asking questions can help your kids to develop their memory power, problem-solving ability and much more. Begin with simple questions to test your kids’ knowledge. This can help you to know their capability.

Think before making a decision

Before engaging with a decision, your kids should justify their views. If you’ve decided something, think twice or ask an expert opinion to get the clear picture out of it. By doing this, you can solve your problems and improve your analytical skills.

Play brain games

One of the best ways to groom kids’ analytical knowledge is to engage them in playing brain games. It will be more fun and challenging for your kid to do something better. Logical games and board games are best when it comes to brain games. Even based on your kid’s age, they can play some video games that boost their knowledge.

Here are some brain games for your kids:

  • Crossword puzzles
  • Sudoku
  • Riddles
  • Chess
  • Scrabble

Read books

Reading is the power hub of analytical knowledge. When it comes to analytical skills, reading is an effective way every parent should look up. Make your kids read a story or a passage and make them understand the situations.

Usually, an active reading involves raising questions, reading aloud, and understanding the key info. This will engage your kids to stay focused.

Do Math Problems

Solving problems in mathematics is one of the most common and essential ways to improve analytical knowledge. Mathematics depends on logical problems like algebra, calculus, and division. Doing math problems helps your kid to enhance reasoning skills.

Observe everything

Teach your kids to observe everything that is happening around them. Observing everything will let your kid understand the situations. It makes them a better analyzer in their life.


Journalism is one of the best ways that forces you to analyze something based on your interest. Hence, encourage your kids to do journalism. It allows them to process, analyze their decision, and improve their analytical knowledge.

Give new tasks

Enhancing kids’ knowledge can improve their analytical skills. Giving new tasks can boost your kids cognitive knowledge and help them to solve problems when approaching. For instance, giving a simple task like arranging their bookshelves can stimulate kids’ minds and let them look at things from a new perspective.

Research and Development

Research and development are used to create new things from an existing resource. It is not a difficult task to learn. Know what is your kid’s interest and tell them to research that topic. This will let them take notes and try writing new ideas using the gathered information.

Take an online analytical course

Whether your kid requires basic or enhanced knowledge, taking an analytical course will be an effective way to improve their skills. Online courses can enable your kid to focus on what they learn and engage with the materials provided by the tutors. Even they can interact with other kids to analyze the data.

If you’ve decided to take an online course, join Nurtem. Nurtem’s specialized tutors will let you learn and enhance your knowledge.

Communicate with others

Communication skills are the great way to improve analytical skills. Excellent communication delivers excellent analytical skills. They can be used for journaling, copywriting, advertising, blogging, marketing, and other professions. Also, it helps to analyze how to get data from others.


Do you know how to improve your kid’s analytical skills? As a parent, you can play a vital role to help kids to improve their analytical skills. This is because kids feel more comfortable learning with their parents. Most people wish to develop analytical skills efficiently, but it is not an easy task. It requires innovative work, effort, and mind control. Be patient and train your kids with the tips that are mentioned above and improve their analytical skills. Good luck!